Open Books, Open Minds
Featuring titles from University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press that are free to read online
Monica L. SmithAlternative Pathways to Complexity
Lane F. Fargher, Verenice Y. Heredia EspinozaAncient Households of the Americas
John G. Douglass, Nancy GonlinAncient Households on the North Coast of Peru
Ilana Johnson, David Pacifico, Robyn E. CutrightAncient Maya Commerce
Scott R. HutsonAnimals and Inequality in the Ancient World
Benjamin S. Arbuckle, Sue Ann McCartyAnthropology without Informants
L. G. FreemanArchaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains
Andrew J. Clark, Douglas B. Bamforth
(First Person)²
Kami Day, Michele EodiceA Field of Dreams
Peggy O'Neill, Angela Crow, Larry BurtonA Route for the Overland Stage
Jesse G. PetersonA Shared Space
James S. GriffithA Voice in the Wilderness
Michael AustinAlas, Poor Ghost
Gillian BennettAlaska's Daughter
Elizabeth Bernhardt PinsonAll That Divides Us
Elinor Benedict
Are We There Yet?
Jennifer Marlow, James P. PurdyCámara Retórica
Alexandra HidalgoCollaborative Approaches to the Digital in English Studies
Laura McGrathCon Job
Megan Fulwiler, Jennifer MarlowDigital Writing Assessment & Evaluation
Dànielle Nicole DeVossDoing Digital Visual Studies
Laurie E. Gries, Blake HallinanExpanding Literate Landscapes
Kevin Roozen, Joe EricksonGeneraciones' Narratives
John Scenters-Zapico