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University Press of Colorado Titles
University Press of Colorado Titles
37 projects
Monica L. SmithAlternative Pathways to Complexity
Lane F. Fargher, Verenice Y. Heredia EspinozaAncient Households of the Americas
John G. Douglass, Nancy GonlinAncient Households on the North Coast of Peru
Ilana Johnson, David Pacifico, Robyn E. CutrightAncient Maya Commerce
Scott R. HutsonAnimals and Inequality in the Ancient World
Benjamin S. Arbuckle, Sue Ann McCartyAnthropology without Informants
L. G. FreemanArchaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains
Andrew J. Clark, Douglas B. BamforthChuj (Mayan) Narratives
Nicholas A. HopkinsConfronting the "Good Death"
Michael S. BryantEmbracing Watershed Politics
Edella Schlager, William BlomquistEncounter with the Plumed Serpent
Gabina Aurora Pérez Jimenez (Editor), Maarten Jansen (Editor)From Ancient Rome to Colonial Mexico
David Charles Wright-Carr (Editor), Francisco Marco Simón (Editor)Gambling Debt
E. Paul Durrenberger, Gisli PalssonThe Greater Chaco Landscape
Ruth M. Van Dyke, Carrie C. HeitmanHistoricizing Fear
Travis D. Boyce, Winsome M. ChunnuIdentity Politics of Difference
Michelle R. MontgomeryIndians and Mestizos in the "Lettered City"
Alcira DueñasInterregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica
Joshua D. Englehardt, Michael D. CarrascoLegacies of Space and Intangible Heritage
Fernando Armstrong-Fumero, Julio Hoil Gutierrez