1.1. Map: locations mentioned in the text
1.2. Map: the region immediately around Chunchucmil
2.1. Map: the extent of 100% coverage mapping at Chunchucmil and subdivisions
2.2. Key to the detailed Chunchucmil site map and a sample group
2.3. Photo: paired albarradas that make up a callejuela
2.4. Map: houselots in Chunchucmil, quad S2E1, residential core
2.5. Map: sacbes at Chunchucmil, quadrangles, and other monumental groups
3.1. Examples of group types at Chunchucmil: Types 1, 3, 6, and 10
3.2. Examples of group types at Chunchucmil: Types 5, 12, 14a, 15, and 16
3.3. Map: all excavation operations within the 9.3-km2 map of Chunchucmil
4.1. Common ceramics types from Chunchucmil I
4.2. Map: groups with significant quantities of Middle Preclassic pottery
4.3. Map: groups with significant quantities of Late Preclassic pottery
4.4. Common ceramics types from Chunchucmil II
4.5. Common ceramics types from Chunchucmil III
4.6. Common ceramics types from Chunchucmil IV
4.7. Technological development of unslipped wares of Chunchucmil
4.8. Map: groups with Late/Terminal Classic pottery
4.9. Map: groups with Postclassic pottery
5.1. Map: Chunchucmil site center and the surrounding residential core
5.2. Map: Group N1E1-C/Pich, an example of a type 2 group
5.3. Map: architecture, the residential core and periphery
5.4. Map: Group S2E1-G/Kaab’, a type 9 group
5.5. Placement of cached Chencoh bowl under front step, Structure S2E1-34
5.6. Exterior profiles of excavated portion of Structure S2E1–33
5.7. Map: Group S4W8-F/Balam, a type 10 group
6.1. The Chunchucmil Economic Region
6.2. Salt pans, or charcas, of the Celestún Peninsula
6.3. Aerial photo: coastline west of Chunchucmil, with Punta Canbalam
6.4. Canal near Punta Canbalam
6.5. Idealized landscape: karst features, shallow/buried soils, ancient stone platforms
7.1. Typical ancient Maya wells
7.2. Chunchucmil groundwater sample sites, 1994 and 1997
7.3. 2011 Hydrologic study area: Ucí-Cansahcab well sites and Digital Elevation Model
8.1. Map: sites found by Pakbeh regional surveys and the Archaeological Atlas of Yucatán
8.2. Map: sites between Chunchucmil and the Gulf Coast, overlaid on a LANDSAT image
8.3. Map: Pochol Ch’en, west of Chunchucmil
8.4. Map: Pochol Ch’en’s eastern wall, with detail of the central gate
8.5. Map: Poc Che Manuel Juárez, west of Chunchucmil
8.6. Map: Yokop/Atlas 39, located to the southwest of Chunchucmil
8.7. Map: Kum/Atlas 66, southwest of Chunchucmil on the edge of the savanna
8.8. Map: Chun Ch’en, southwest of Chunchucmil
8.9. Map: Ya’ab K’i’ix, an isolated household, east of Chunchucmil
8.10. Map: Kanan, a non-stratified community, northeast of Chunchucmil
8.11. Map: Puut, a stratified community, east of Chunchucmil
8.12. Map: Yaxkakap, a stratified community, regional node, east of Chunchucmil
9.1. Landscape elevation model and vegetation zones, Gulf Coast to the Sierrita de Ticul
11.1. Shell ornaments recovered from Chunchucmil
11.2. Map: Chunchucmil site center, areas tested geochemically
11.3. Area D, spatial distribution of phosphorus concentrations
11.4. Area D, spatial distribution of iron concentrations
11.5. Area D, spatial distribution of zinc concentrations
11.6. Map: Chunchucmil, distribution of high and low quantities of obsidian
12.1. Map: Maya area, land- and sea-based trade routes
12.3. Map: andadores near Chen Huech, west of Chunchucmil
12.4. Map: Chunchucmil hub-and-spoke pattern connecting residential zones to the site center
12.5. Temple Patio Adoratorio complexes, Oaxaca, juxtaposed with type 1 quadrangle, Chunchucmil