3.1. Classification of architectural groups at Chunchucmil
3.2. Total architectural groups, per group type and 1-km2 block, within the 9.3-km2 polygon
3.3. Total architectural groups per group type within the 9.3-km2 polygon
3.4. Total architectural groups per 1-km2 block within the 9.3-km2 polygon
3.5. Operation numbers for all 167 excavations, by group type and 1-km2 block
3.6. Group labels for each operation number
4.1. Ceramic groups at Chunchucmil, listed by time period and quantity
4.2. Operations in which 5% of classifiable ceramics date to the Middle Preclassic
4.3. Operations that have at least 4% Late Preclassic sherds
4.4. Platforms built in the Late and Terminal Classic periods
4.5. Operations with Early/Late Classic architecture and Late/Terminal Classic ceramics
4.6. Operations that uncovered Postclassic pottery
5.1. Mapped features and their distribution across the three major zones, Chunchucmil
5.2 Population estimates, Chunchucmil, sixth and seventh centuries ce
7.1. Field measurement summary: depth, electrical conductivity, and salinity
7.2. Laboratory groundwater results: Chunchucmil and Ucí-Cansahcab
7.3. Laboratory groundwater results: Chunchucmil, Ucí-Cansahcab, and other Yucatán sites
11.1. Quantities of shell artifacts identified to genus and/or species level
11.2. Excavation contexts, Chunchucmil, with the most shells per cubic meter of excavation
11.3. Extractable phosphorus data, Chunchucmil, Yucatán
11.4. Correlation matrix, selected extractable and total element concentrations
11.5. Fine pottery and obsidian, four architectural groups, Chunchucmil
11.6. Excavation contexts, Chunchucmil, where green obsidian was recovered