Anthony P. Andrews
Chapter 1. Introduction: The Long Road to Maya Markets
Scott R. Hutson and Bruce H. Dahlin
Chapter 2. The Map of Chunchucmil
Scott R. Hutson and Aline Magnoni
Chapter 3. Architectural Group Typology and Excavation Sampling within Chunchucmil
Scott R. Hutson, Aline Magnoni, and Bruce H. Dahlin
Chapter 4. Chunchucmil Chronology and Site Dynamics
Socorro Jiménez, Aline Magnoni, Eugenia Mansell, and Tara Bond-Freeman
Chapter 5. Chunchucmil’s Urban Population
Scott R. Hutson, Aline Magnoni, Traci Ardren, Chelsea Blackmore, and Travis W. Stanton
Chapter 6. Environmental Heterogeneity in the Chunchucmil Economic Region
David R. Hixson, Timothy Beach, Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, and Bruce H. Dahlin
Sheryl Luzzadder-beach and Timothy Beach
Chapter 8. Hinterland Settlement Patterns within the Chunchucmil Economic Region
David R. Hixson and Daniel E. Mazeau
Chapter 9. Soils and Agricultural Carrying Capacity
Timothy Beach, Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, Ryan V. Sweetwood, Patrice Farrell, Daniel E. Mazeau, and Richard E. Terry
Chapter 10. Perishable Resources Produced for Exchange in the Chunchucmil Economic Region
Bruce H. Dahlin, Traci Ardren, David R. Hixson, and Anthony P. Andrews
Chapter 11. Marketing within Chunchucmil
Scott R. Hutson, Richard E. Terry, and Bruce H. Dahlin
Chapter 12. Connections beyond Chunchucmil
Traci Ardren, Scott R. Hutson, David R. Hixson, and Justin Lowry
Scott R. Hutson