San Rafael, 303
Sanders, William T., 343
Santa Clara, 246
Santa Cruz Tayata, 345
Santiago Papasquiaro, 269
Santiago River Valley, 268, 278
Santisima Cruz, 303
Santley, Robert S., 252
Santo Entierro, 303
Sarabia, Alejandro G., 247
Sayultepec, 180
SBTC. See Stela, Base, and Throne Complex
Schaeffer, D. Bryan, 7, 21, 370, 371, 372
Schele, Linda, 193
Schiavitti, Vincent, 266
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, 107
Schmidt Schoenberg, Paul, 176, 177, 196
Schroeder site, 263
Schulze, Niklas, 375
scribal practices, 18, 19, 83, 98, 104, 106; variability in, 100–101
scripts, 83; art and, 107n4; Aztec, 109n13; development of, 85, 86, 87, 99–100; hieroglyphic, 122, 124, 126; interaction and, 88–91, 91–101, 101–6, 107n3; linguistic diversification and, 102; Maya, 84, 92, 94, 98, 98 (fig.), 101, 368; Mesoamerican, 85, 89, 91–101, 103, 106, 109n11, 110n22; Mixtec, 109n13; Olmec, 98 (fig.); variable conventions in, 102 (fig.); Zapotec, 92, 93, 94, 109n13
sculpture, 191, 196, 198, 213, 216
Serpent Wall, 265
serpents, 196, 268, 272; humanized, 267; plumed, 267, 271
Severi, Carlo, 85
shaman-priests, 165
Sharer, Robert J., 353
shells, 137, 183, 196, 245, 343, 347
Sheseña, Alejandro, 221
Shook panel, 97 (fig.)
Sierra de las Navajas, 211
Sierra de los Tuxtlas, 211, 213
Sierra del Registro, 276
Sierra Madre, 262, 277, 281, 282, 283, 284
Sierra Tarahumara, 262
signs, 105; ancestral, 88; constituent, 88; iconic, 87; identification of, 104; interpretation of, 86; Middle Formative, 97; nonverbal, 85; objects and, 108n6; plurality of, 85–86; recontextualization of, 90; transference of, 108–9n9; transmutation of, 85; visual, 85, 87
Sinaloa, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 283, 284; comparative chronology for, 269 (fig.)
Smith, Michael, 16, 23n9, 40, 320, 321
smoke-makers, 330
SNA. See Social Network Analysis
Snake head, 355 (fig.)
Snake Polity, divine lord of, 356
Snarskis, Michael J., 313
social capital, 294, 300, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 374, 375, 377; accumulation of, 308; notion of, 298–99
social institutions, 309, 375, 377
Social Network Analysis (SNA), 16, 17, 23n7, 41; WST and, 14–15
social relations, 36, 318, 345
society: egalitarian, 347; framework of, 331; historical development of, 218; rank, 347; village, 345
sociocultural characteristics, 51
sociocultural structure, 18
Soconusco, 52, 68, 74, 216; Barra phase of, 54, 73; ceramics, 62; Early Formative, 64; grater bowls from, 60; Locona phase of, 73; pottery, 72
Sokean languages, 123
Sotuta, 343
Spanish Conquest, 313
Spanish Contact, 315
spear-thrower, 164
speech, 122; temporal progression of, 85
speech scrolls, 100, 102, 102 (fig.), 267
Speller, Camilla F., 132
Spence, Michael W., 247
spoils of war, 321–22, 324, 331
Spondylus shells, 183, 200n4, 315, 347, 375
star-Tlalocs, 195
starfish, 194
stela, 150, 186, 187, 190, 190 (fig.), 200n6, 219, 220, 221–22, 373; carved, 177; commemorative function of, 218; erecting, 218; unprovenanced, 189 (fig.); visual access to, 216
stela-base, 216, 220, 221, 222 (fig.)
Stela, Base, and Throne Complex (SBTC), 211, 216, 217 (fig.), 218–23, 230, 373
Stingray Lagoon, 137
Stirling, Matthew, 214
stone, 327; blood, 329; building, 40; carved, 346; chipped, 249; flint, 325; ground, 245; precious, 329
Stone, Andrea, 165–66
Stone M21, 95 (fig.)
Storm god, 179, 181, 186, 187, 188–89, 195, 196, 197, 200n11, 370, 372; black, 190; examples of, 188 (fig.); mask, 190
stratification, 13; social, 51, 122–23, 267
Stross, Brian, 139n6
Structure 7, 276
Stuart, David, 91, 139n9, 140n14, 369, 370
Stubbs, Brian, 141n23
styles, 8, 40, 84, 210, 345; fusion of, 158; iconography and, 89, 90; local, 91; Olmec, 108n1, 222; pure, 90, 91
Sub-Jaguar Tomb, 160, 161, 162, 164
subchiefs, 351
sublords, 355
Suchil ceramics, 267
Suchil River, 264
Sugiyama, Saburo, 371
Sun God, 372
Sun Pyramid, 265
supports: knoblike, 153; tripod, 154 (fig.), 155 (fig.), 159
symbolism, 19, 37, 84, 108n6, 198, 301, 314, 319, 368; Maya, 372; Olmec, 10; pan-Mesoamerican, 283–84; Teotihuacan, 372
symbols, 8, 37, 294; complex, 106, 315; foreign, 167, 168; material, 366, 367; Postclassic, 98; word-based, 368
Symonds, Stacey, 226
systems: ancestral, 87; prestige, 84; social, 294; traditional, 300
T747b AJAW ‘lord’ royal title, 97 (fig.)
ta-wi-si-ka-la, 126
Tabasco, 156, 214, 215, 223, 225, 227, 228; interaction with, 211
talud-tablero architecture, 150, 155, 162, 169n1, 169n3, 178, 179, 211
Tambuco, 197
Tampico, 213
taskscape, concept of, 318
Taube, Karl, 127, 159, 176, 185, 187, 189, 200n9, 274, 370
Taylor, William B., 297
technology, 18, 68, 317, 366, 367; bioarchaeological, 36; ceramic, 64; communication of, 6; complex, 320; mining, 327
Tecolote, 246
Tedlock, Dennis, 170n8
Tehuacán Valley, 57, 67, 73, 249, 345
Temple of Lady 9 Grass, 98
Temple of Quetzalcoatl, 296; interpretation of, 295 (fig.)
Temple of Skulls, 265
Temple of the Cross group, 170n12
Temple of the Inscriptions, 126, 128, 129
Temple of the Plumed Serpent, 301
temples, 170n8, 170n12, 308, 349, 353; burning, 348; Maya-style, 164; supplying, 319, 331; termination of, 331; tribute at, 329
Templo Mayor, 308–10, 314, 371, 375–76; bell collection of, 318–19, 331, 332; building phase of, 330; offerings of, 318–22, 320 (fig.), 328–33
Tenango, 347
Tenochtitlán, 43, 183, 294, 308, 314, 318, 322, 331, 332
Teotihuacan, 7, 14, 21, 43, 119, 128, 149, 150, 152, 154, 167, 187, 196, 197, 199, 211, 215, 224, 240, 243, 245, 246, 247, 249, 251, 252–53, 255, 263, 266, 274, 276, 283, 301, 310; Altun Ha and, 344; Cantona and, 241, 241 (fig.), 242, 248; demise of, 254; diagnostic traits in, 156; diaspora of, 150n18; Early Classic Mesoamerica and, 179–81; Epiclassic emulations of, 180; fall of, 244; as foreign locale, 168; Guerrero and, 176, 177, 178, 179, 198; imperial representatives from, 195; influence of, 22n4, 127, 157, 180, 181, 183–84, 193, 197, 198, 200n12, 219–20, 268; interaction with, 178–79; Maya and, 5, 156, 157–64, 168, 169n1, 169n3, 169n5, 176, 179; Monte Albán and, 180; obsidian blades at, 34; population of, 267; settlement patterns in, 180; style, 219; Tikal and, 169n3, 343; Veracruz and, 180
Teotihuacan II period, 247
Teotihuacan Valley, 132
Tepalcatepec, 280
Tepantitla, 192
Tepecoacuilco, 176, 177, 183, 184, 198, 322, 323; stelae, 187–88, 195
Tepecoacuilco Stela 1, 187, 188 (fig.)
Tepecoacuilco Stela 2, 187, 188
Tequistlatec, 131
Terminal Classic period, 223, 275
Tetitla, 187; burials, 155; Corridor 21 of, 188 (fig.)
Teuchitlan, 97
Texcoco A, 246
Texcoco Molded pottery, 212
textual composition, 94, 107n5
Tezeltalan, 120
Tezozomoc, death of, 329
theory of everything, 7–8
Three Temples Complex, 265
throne-mat kenning, 96, 98 (fig.)
Tierra Caliente, 177, 184, 189–95, 200n12
Tierras Largas phase, 70, 72, 73, 74n1, 75n3, 367; bowls from, 60; ceramic assemblages from, 54–58, 56 (fig.), 60–64, 74; vessels from, 56, 74n2; wares from, 67
Tikal, 156–57, 160, 161, 179, 193, 198, 247, 251, 252, 352, 354, 356, 357, 370; burials in, 344; ceramics in, 159; emblem glyph of, 355; Problematical Deposit 50 at, 164, 167, 168; ritual deposits in, 344; Teotihuacan and, 169n3, 343; tripods in, 163
Tikal Ballcourt Marker, 179, 192
Tikal Project, 179
Tila Stela B, 120
Tilcajete, 348; map of, 346 (fig.)
tin, 317, 318, 327, 328 (fig.)
Tingambato, 180
Tiquisate, 181
Tlachco, 323
Tlacolula subvalley, 348
Tlacotepec, 196
Tlacuache phase, 66, 67, 366, 367; bottles from, 63, 64; ceramic assemblages from, 54–58, 55 (fig.), 59 (fig.), 60–64, 66 (fig.), 72, 73–74; designs, 65; grater bowls from, 60–61, 61 (fig.); jars from, 56; Oaxaca and, 54; sherds from, 72; vessels from, 56, 65; vessels/percentage, 56 (fig.); wares from, 57, 58, 62, 73
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, 126
Tlalchapa, 190
Tlaloc, 157, 169n1, 187, 371; bells from, 280
Tlamimilolpa phase, 155
Tlapacoya, 345
Tlapan, 183
Tlapaneca, 184
Tlapehuala, 184
Tlatelolco market, 326
Tlatilco, 56, 60, 345; bottles from, 62–63; burials at, 62–63
Tlaxcalantzingo, 303
tobacco, 137
Tohil, 166
Tollan, 369
Tolstoy, Paul, 246
Toluca Valley, 184
toma de posesión, concept of, 182
Tomatlán site, 279
Tomb A-I, tripod from, 159, 160 (fig.)
Tomb B-II, 158
tombs, 64, 150, 158, 159, 344, 349
Tonina, 120
Topia, copper bells at, 283
Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, 300
Torquemada, 329
Totoate, 271
Totocapan, 223
Totogal, 212
Totonac, 127
Totonacan, 139n5
trade, 12, 13, 15, 17, 58, 68, 165, 227, 281, 321, 324–25, 343, 345, 357, 374, 375, 377; lexical borrowing and, 137–38; long-distance, 263, 302–3, 305, 309, 376; material, 104; multiyear-long, 305; routes, 314 (fig.), 315; traders and, 305–8
traders, 305–8, 310, 315, 325 (fig.)
traditions: artistic, 6, 83, 98; ceramic, 64, 66, 74, 156, 269, 367; cultural, 6, 38, 262, 267; historic, 84; literary, 96; Mesoamerican, 282, 284; micro, 64; regional, 20
traits, 38–39; cultural, 4, 8, 13, 177; diagnostic, 156; iconographic, 182; Maya, 162
transformation, 315, 317, 345; artistic, 316; historical, 51; material, 318; social/political, 302
transmutation, 85, 86–88, 87, 88, 89, 91, 105, 106
trapeze and ray sign, 185
travel: foreign objects and, 164–67; tripods and, 168
Tres Cerritos, 180
Tres Zapotes, 214, 225, 226, 229, 250; monuments in, 216, 218, 222
tribute, 126, 313, 315, 321, 322–24, 329, 331; extracting, 178; levied, 323; metal, 323 (fig.)
Trincheras, 280
Triple Alliance empire, Teotihuacan and, 181
tripods, 60, 150, 151, 151 (fig.), 152 (fig.), 153 (fig.), 158 (fig.), 160 (fig.), 163 (fig.), 164 (fig.), 166, 167, 187, 224; aesthetic of, 156, 158; cultural connotations of, 165; curated, 169–70n6; cylindrical, 177, 197; decoration on, 155, 181; examining, 156; foreign, 168; funerary chamber, 170n6; incised, 152; lidded, 154, 160, 161 (fig.), 162, 169n4, 170n7; Maya and, 156–57, 157–64; origins of, 156–57; painted, 178; scene incised on, 166–67 (fig.); stuccoed, 178; stylistic program of, 152; Teotihuacan, 151–56, 159 (fig.), 160; travel and, 168
Tuitán, 265
Tulija River, 120
Tumbalá, 120
Tunal phase, 278, 279, 280, 281
Tunal River, 276
turtles, 341
Tuxcacueso, 280
Tuxpan engraved, 277
Tuxtla Mountains, 213, 214, 230, 373
Tuxtla Statuette, 213–14, 213 (fig.), 231n1
Tuxtlas, 7, 21, 211, 212, 212 (fig.), 214, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231; cultural development in, 213; investigations in, 215; Pacific coast and, 216
Tuxtlas Polychrome, 220, 224, 225, 230; examples of, 225 (fig.)
Tzotzil, 131
u-lu-mu, 132
Uaxactún Stela 5, 179
uchen tinará mutajíjón ñuti, 134
Umberger, Emily, 182
University of Missouri Archaeometry Laboratory (MURR), 68
US Southwest, 132, 263, 272, 274, 279, 280, 283
Uspanteko, 129
Usumacinta River, 137, 184, 227
Uto-Aztecan Nawa, 126, 138n1, 139n7
UV fluorescence studies, 266
Valencia, Rogelio, 221
Valenzuela, Juan, 215, 221, 229
Valle Grande, 348
Valley of Huamelulpan, 345
Valley of Mexico, 126, 127, 138, 139–40n9, 178
Valley of Oaxaca, 68, 69, 70, 73, 367, 376; case study from, 345–50; map of, 346 (fig.); trade and, 345
Valleys of Durango, 282
values, 109n11; economic, 313, 321; grammatical-linguistic, 88; linguistic, 88, 91; phonetic, 88; semantic, 86, 92, 96, 103; symbolic, 313; word, 88
Varela Torrecilla, Carmen, 156, 163
vases, 93 (fig.), 102; “Arrival,” 164; Aztatlan Polychrome, 279; codex-style, 279; Dazzler, 169n1; tripod, 152, 370
Velázquez Castro, Adrián, 331
Venus Tables, 126
Veracruz, 151, 156, 167, 168, 176, 181, 213, 214, 216, 219, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 245, 252, 347, 372; calendar development in, 215; interaction with, 211; Maya and, 210, 211; Teotihuacan and, 180
vessels, 56, 58, 61, 64, 65 (fig.), 197, 371; belted, 65, 67 (fig.); cacao, 62; ceramic, 110n16, 153, 153 (fig.), 168, 278; effigy, 62, 63 (fig.); Maya, 162, 342; nonlocal, 344; phytomorphic, 55; stuccoed, 157; Teotihuacan-style, 162–63
Vesuvio-Alta Vista phase, 265, 267
Villa Alta phase, 226
Villa Madero, 190; Sculpture 1 at, 192 (fig.), 193 (fig.), 194 (fig.)
Villa Union, 267
Virgin of the Remedies, 292–93, 297, 298 (fig.), 303–4, 303 (fig.), 304 (fig.); feast of, 307 (fig.)
Virgin of the Rosary, 303
visual elements, 88, 104; aspects of, 103; syntactical functions of, 103
visual notation, systems of, 88, 102
visual programs, extralocal, 150
visual records, 6
vocabulary: Ch’olan, 126; Mixe-Zoque ritual, 4; Nahuatl, 126; visual, 103, 106; Yukatekan, 121, 126
Waka, 352
Wald, Robert, 121–22
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 13, 14, 41, 263, 366
war gods, 372
Ward, Sue, 271
wares, 60, 62, 66, 67, 73, 223, 345–46; ceramic trade, 245; decorated, 58, 269; Fine Thin Orange, 177, 179; gray, 60; Oaxacan, 57; Orange, 245, 344; paste, 251; utilitarian, 58
warriors, 181, 185, 189, 356; Teotihuacan, 162, 164, 180, 185
Wastekan, 119
water storage, 352
watercraft, 58
Weiant, Clarence W., 229
Weigand, Phillip C., 266
West Ch’olan, 120
West Group, 352
West Mexican Metalworking Zone, 327
West Panel, 128
White and Buff slips, 280
Whittaker, Gordon, 126
Wichmann, Søren, 119, 120, 122, 134, 135, 136, 139n9
WINIK-li, 120
Winter, Marcus, 74n1
Wite’ Naah, 370
Wite’ Naah Fire Shrine cult, 372
Witkowski, Stanley R., 124, 125, 136
workshops, 317; biface, 254; metalworking, 327; state, 244; Teotihuacano, 249; Tikal, 160
World Systems Theory (WST), 13, 16, 17, 41, 43, 263, 366, 374; SNA and, 14–15
writing, 84, 102, 108n5, 109n11, 218; conventions of, 87, 104; development of, 106–7; emergence of, 83, 86–88, 91, 101; Epi-Olmec, 85; iconography and, 86; Maya, 91, 94, 99, 170n7, 195; Mesoamerican, 86–88, 98, 101, 106–7, 107n4, 110n19; Middle Formative, 91; Olmec, 108n7; Teotihuacan, 185, 189, 195, 198, 219; Zapotec, 94, 109n13
WST. See World Systems Theory
Wupatki, 280
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), 68, 72, 248, 252, 266; results of, 69 (fig.)
xenophobia, 365
Xicalanco, 325
Xinka, 139n5; loanwords for, 141n24
Xiuhtecutli, 328
Xiximes, 282
Xochipala, 196
XRF. See X-ray Fluorescence
Yagul urn, 93 (fig.)
Yak K’uk’ Mo’, 169n1
Yax Mayuy Chan Chaak, 135
Yax Nuun Ayiin, 156, 157, 179; tomb of, 160
Yaxuna Burial 24, 371
Yegüih, 348; map of, 346 (fig.)
Yerbabuena, 196
Yucatán, 120, 121, 162, 164, 215, 223, 227, 351, 370, 371, 372, 373; exchange in, 341–42; provinces of, 342 (map); salt in, 326; trade in, 343
yugo, 93 (fig.)
Yukatekan, 119, 128, 129, 134, 135, 139n1, 139n4, 140n11; Ch’olan and, 120–22
Zacatecas, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 269, 271, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 283, 284, 285n1; Chalchihuites culture in, 264; comparative chronology for, 269 (fig.)
Zacualtipan, 255
Zapote Fine Orange to Gray, 225
Zapotecs, 92, 94, 97, 105, 348–49, 357; child rearing by, 75n5; Mixtecs and, 5; tradition of, 98
Zaragoza, 69
Zaragoza-Oyameles obsidian, 241–42, 245, 247 (fig.), 248, 249, 250, 250 (fig.), 251, 252, 253, 254, 255
Zaragoza-Oyameles Regional Obsidian Survey, 243, 245–48
Zeitlin, Robert N., 252
Zihuatanejo, 196