2.1. Offering 125: identified taxa
2.2. Offering 125: provenience of animals and minimum number of individuals (MNI)
3.1. Cerro Baúl: excavated and analyzed summit contexts
3.2. Summaries of NISP, MNI, and taxon presence for Cerro Baúl contexts
4.1. List of the animal taxa identified in the San Bartolo assemblage
4.2. Overview of animal taxa recovered from San Bartolo, Preclassic and Late Classic
6.1. Color/directional symbolism of cultures in the American Southwest and Mesoamerica
6.2. Totals of scarlet and military macaws in prepared burials, both single and multiple
7.1. NISP and MNI of the fauna from Bc 57
7.2. NISP and MNI of the fauna from Bc 58
8.1. Mammals identified at Monterey Bay area sites
8.2. Sample size, taxonomic diversity, and large mammals associated with the assemblages
8.3. Northern fur seal element frequency by age and sex
8.4. Proportion of deer elements for sites showing taphonomic modifications
8.5. Artifacts associated with the assemblages
10.1. Chronological and cultural periods represented by the sites mentioned in the text
10.2. Frequencies of the main mammalian taxa at five sites in central Anatolia
13.1. Range of khirigsuur satellites from two intensive survey areas in Mongolia
17.1. Number of assemblages for each period and site type analyzed