Linear Cultural Alignments in the Western San Juan Basin
Phillip Tuwaletstiwa and Michael P. Marshall
Hopi geodesist Phillip Tuwaletstiwa shares the results of recent work conducted with Mike Marshall in the western San Juan Basin, on a 290°–292° alignment between Kin Klizhin and Skunk Springs. They carried out their independent research over the last few years with permission from the Navajo Nation. With the help of John Stein and John Roney, Tuwaletstiwa and Marshall revisited several well-known sites along this alignment (Escalon, El Llano, Willow Canyon, Great Bend East, Great Bend West). They identified, mapped, and recorded several new sites (Falcon House, Pablo House, Slab House) and features (a herradura and a stone circle) along the 16 km stretch of the alignment between Falcon House and Great Bend West. A 2.5-km-long Chacoan road segment, including a ramp, is well defined in the area of Escalon and Willow Canyon. The authors speculate—with strong caveats—regarding the possible lunar significance of the 290°–292° alignment.
Figure 4.1. Phillip Tuwaletstiwa at Escalon. Photo by Mike Marshall.