0.1. Genealogy chart
0.2. Ch’ajom titles: a. Yaxchilán Throne 2, b. Quiriguá Stela J, c. K1440
0.3. Palenque Temple XXI bench
0.4. Usumacinta stela
0.5. Ch’ajom headdress: a. La Corona Panel 1, b. Yaxchilán Lintel 43
0.6. El Cayo Altar 4
0.7. Dos Pilas Stela 2
0.8. Aguateca Stela 2
0.9. Tikal Bone MT-39
0.10. Yaxchilán Stela 1
0.11. Palenque Temple XIX platform
0.12. Yaxchilán Lintel 8
0.13. Yaxchilán Lintel 16
0.14. Yaxchilán Lintel 12
0.15. Yaxchilán Stela 10
0.16. Laxtunich wall panel
0.17. Piedras Negras Stela 12
1.1. Portraits and nominal glyphs for the deity GI: a. stone mask, b. Early Classic incensario, c. portrait glyph, d. nominal phrase
1.2. K’awiil in the form of thunderbolt axe
1.3. a. T528 tuun sign, b. witz sign, c. witz motif
1.4. a. hi sign, b. k’an tuun motif
1.5. a. flint signs, b. personified flint signs, c. flint centipede
1.6. Yaxchilán Lintel 45
1.7. Palenque Temple XVII
1.8. Copán Margarita Structure panel
1.9. Dumbarton Oaks Tablet
1.10. a. T24 sign, b. T1017 sign, c. K’awiil gods
1.11. K4013
1.12. K8608
1.13. La Pasadita Lintel 2
1.14. K2772
1.15. a. T122 sign k’ak’ fire sign, T1035 k’ak’ fire sign, b. Early Classic axe
1.16. T44 tok “spark” sign on Yopaat portrait glyph
1.17. Palenque Tablet of the Foliated Cross
1.18. Seacal vessel
1.19. Temple of Inscriptions sarcophagus lid
1.20. Lacanha Panel 1
1.21. Dresden Codex page 26
2.1. War shield featuring portrait of GIII, Palenque Tablet of the Sun
2.2. K1892
2.3. a. T544 sun glyph, b, c. Sun God, d. k’in cartouche
2.4. Sun God K1398
2.5. Dawn glyph, Copán Structure 66c bench
2.6. Dawn glyph, Copán Group 10K-4
2.7. Palenque Tablet of the Cross
2.8. Yaxchilán Four Crocodile House
2.9. a. GIII portrait glyph, b. GIII nominal phrase
2.10. Palenque Group B incensario
2.11. Tikal canoe scene
2.12. Naranjo Stela 30
2.13. Palenque Tablet of the Sun
3.1. Yaxchilán Lintel 41
3.2. Teotihuacán warrior with obsidian blade headdress and obsidian weapon
3.3. a. T712 ch’ab sign, b. u ch’ab u ak’ab couplet, c. u ch’ab u ak’ab conflated signs
3.4. Personified obsidian spear heads, Piedras Negras Stela 7 and Stela 8
3.5. Copán Stela 6
3.6. Tlaloc portraits
3.7. Yaxchilán Stela 35 front
3.8. Tlaloc with Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Kan leg, Copán Structure 26
3.9. a. Acanceh Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Kan, b. Acanceh stucco facade, c. K1350 Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Kan
3.10. Naranjo Stela 2
3.11. Yaxchilán Lintel 41 spear, Xiuhcoatl
3.12. Trapezoid motif, Copán Structure 26
3.13. a. Jaguar glyph, b. jaguar claw and jaguar glyph, c. hix, d. puma
3.14. Hix jaguar, vessel K771
3.15. Tlaloc jaguar, Palenque Group B medallions
3.16. Tlaloc jaguar, Palenque Group B medallions
3.17. Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Kan, K8266
3.18. Piedras Negras Stela 8
3.19. Naranjo Stela 19
3.20. La Corona Panel 6
3.21. Copán Rastrojon puma
3.22. Teotihuacán Lepidoptera, Cleveland Museum of Art mirror
3.23. Palenque looted panel
3.24. Lepidoptera Tlaloc, K4644 and Dzibilnocac plate
3.25. Black Witch Moth
3.26. a. o owl, b. sky glyph, c. cave glyph, d. k’atun glyph, e. Muwaan glyph
3.27. Piedras Negras Stela 9 bundle
3.28. Owl Tlaloc, a. vessel K8504, b. Acanceh owl, c. K8121
3.29. Lepidoptera Tlaloc, vessel K6809
3.30. Atetelco mountain place name and Piedras Negras Stela 9 Owl Tlaloc
3.31. Piedras Negras Stela 7
3.32. Piedras Negras Stela 26
3.33. a. T583 sign, b. janaab owl, c. and d. T932 pakal sign, e. T583–T932 conflation (T624), f. Janaab Ti’ O’ glyph
3.34. Owl incense bag, Palenque Temple XIX jamb
4.1. Kaloomte’ logographs
4.2. Tikal Stela 31 front
4.3. Museo VICAL vessel
4.4. Tikal Marcador
4.5. a. Tikal Marcador glyphs, b. Tikal Marcador medallion, c. Tikal Marcador medallion
4.6. a. Teotihuacan lechuza y armas, b. Tikal Stela 31 medallion (drawing after Christopher Jones)
4.7. Spearthrower Owl name and Piedras Negras Stela 9 Tlaloc Owl wing
4.8. Tikal Stela 31 back
4.9. Copán Altar Q
4.10. Wiinte’naah place name
5.1. Palenque Palace Tablet scene
5.2. Palenque Palace Tablet text
5.3. Palenque Oval Palace Tablet
5.4. Piedras Negras Panel 2
5.5. Piedras Negras Stela 40 top
5.6. Piedras Negras Stela 40 bottom
5.7. Bonampak Stela 3
5.8. Palenque Temple XIX pier Yajawk’ak headdress
5.9. Palenque Tablet of the Slaves
5.10. Toniná Monument 27 and Panel Mp49
5.11. La Corona ballplayer
6.1. Yaxchilán Lintel 24
6.2. Yaxchilán Lintel 17
6.3. Yaxchilán Lintel 25
6.4. Yaxchilán Structure 21 mural
6.5. Yaxchilán Stela 35 back
7.1. God L Temple of the Cross right jamb
7.2. K511
7.3. K2796