© 2017 by University Press of Colorado
Published by University Press of Colorado
5589 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 206C
Boulder, Colorado 80303
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The University Press of Colorado is a proud member of
The Association of American University Presses.
The University Press of Colorado is a cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by Adams State University, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Regis University, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, Utah State University, and Western State Colorado University.
∞ This paper meets the requirements of the ANSI /NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).
ISBN : 978-1-60732-571-0 (cloth)
ISBN : 978-1-60732-659-5 (paperback)
ISBN : 978-1-60732-572-7 (ebook)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Armstrong-Fumero, Fernando, editor. | Hoil Gutierrez, Julio, editor.
Title: Legacies of space and intangible heritage : archaeology, ethnohistory, and the politics of
cultural continuity in the Americas / edited by Fernando Armstrong-Fumero and Julio Hoil
Description: Boulder : University Press of Colorado, [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and
Identifiers: LCCN 2016056647| ISBN 9781607325710 (cloth) | ISBN 9781607326595 (pbk) |
ISBN 9781607325727 (ebook)
Subjects: LCS H: Cultural landscapes—America—Case studies. | Cultural property—Protection—
America—Case studies. | Cultural property—America—Management—Case studies. | Historic
sites—Conservation and restoration—America—Case studies. | Historic sites—America—
Management—Case studies.
Classification: LCC GF 500 .L44 2017 | DDC 973—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016056647
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version of this book is 978-1-60732-700-4; for the ePUB version the open access ISBN is 978-1-
60732-720-2. More information about the initiative and links to the open-access version can be found
at www.knowledgeunlatched.org.
Front-cover photographs: Taperinha Plantation (top), Cavern of the Painted Rock, Monte Alegre (bottom), courtesy of Anna C . Roosevelt.