Page numbers in italic indicate illustrations.
Abomey, 311
Acemhöyük, 215, 216, 219(table); sheep management, 217, 218, 220, 222
Adgaja, 310
agriculture, Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 237–38
AI. See Artiodactyl Index
alpaca, 75
Altai Mountains, 284
American Bottoms, 112, 114. See also Cahokia; Mississippian sites
Amieurus sp. (bullheads), 111
amphibians (Amphibia), 35, 76, 108, 111, 117, 153(table)
Anatolia: Assyrian trading colonies in, 232–36; Middle Bronze Age, 236–44; sheep management in, 215–20; wool production, 210–11, 213, 214, 220–23
ancestors, Hueda offerings to, 302–3
Ancestral Puebloans, 145; hunting practices, 154–59. See also Chaco Canyon
Andean Hare (vizcacha), 71, 76, 80
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 336
Anglo-Saxons, 4, 6, 335–37, 340. See also various periods
animal husbandry: Anglo-Saxon, 338–42, 344–47; Roman, 323–27, 330–31. See also wool production
animal parts, 52, 64, 190; at Chacoan sites, 159, 160; Shang use of, 256, 264, 266–70. See also carcass processing; meat distribution
animate beings, as persons, 13
antelope. See pronghorn antelope
Anyang, 252, 256–59; cattle, 267–70; chariot-horses, 260–61, 262; deer hunting, 264–66; dogs, 261, 263; sacrifices, 253–55
apu, Cerro Baúl as, 66
Aquila chrysaetos. See eagles
Ara spp. See macaws
armadillos, 33
Arslantepe, 211
arthropods, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 53
Artiodactyl Index (AI), 154, 155
artiodactyls: in Chacoan sites, 154–56, 157, 159; in Monterey Bay area sites, 174, 177–79; at San Bartolo, 97–98. See also by type
Asia. See Inner Asia
Assur, 214; donkey caravans from, 241–42; trading colonies, 233–36
Assyria(n): Anatolian economy and, 243–44; commodities in, 242–43; donkey caravans, 241–42; Kanesh and, 235–36; meat procurement, 240–41; trade network, 233–35
Atetelco (Teotihuacan), 23
Aves. See birds
aviaries, Tenochtitlan, 14, 51, 52
aviculture, at Paquimé, 129–30
Ayacucho, 81
Ayotlan, 44
Babylonia, textile trade, 242
badgers (Meles meles), at Anglo-Saxon sites, 340, 344
Baga Gazaryn Chuluu, horse remains in, 281, 284
bats, at Cerro Baúl, 71
Bayeux Tapestry, 365
bear: at Caddoan sites, 115; at Mississippian sites, 108, 112, 114
beaver, 194
beer (chicha), Wari production of, 67–69
Benin, Bight of, 295, 302, 308. See also Hueda
Beowulf, 360–61
Beringa, 81
bighorn sheep, 159
birds (Aves), 81, 266; at Anglo-Saxon sites, 340, 344; at Caddoan sites, 115, 116; at Cerro Baúl, 75, 80; at Chaco Canyon, 151(table), 153(table); color/directional symbolism, 3, 131–32(table), 133; in Mesoamerican sites, 16, 35–36, 44; Mississippian use of, 108, 110, 111–12, 113–14; at San Bartolo, 89, 93. See also by type
birds of prey, 160; in captivity, 20–22, 50–52; in Templo Mayor, 35–36, 54; at Teotihuacan, 2–3, 5, 15. See also by type
bison, Mississippian use of, 112
blackbirds, at Caddoan sites, 115
Bloodmoor Hill (Suffolk), 347
boar tusks, in Shang Dynasty sites, 266
bobcats, at Mississippian sites, 114
bone fragmentation, at Racot, 195, 196, 198–201
bone working, Shang dynasty, 264, 266, 267–69
Bothrops asper (fer-de-lance), 89
bowfin, 111
Brandon site (England), 335, 338; archaeology of, 342–44; faunal assemblages of, 344–47
breeding, Roman Empire, 323–27, 330–31
brewery, at Cerro Baúl, 67–68
Britain: Anglo-Saxon, 336–37; Roman, 323, 324, 335–36. See also England
Bronze Age, 209, 210; in China, 252–53; in Mesopotamia, 213–14; in Mongolia, 7, 275, 276–88; wool production, 6, 211, 222
Brześć Kujawksi region, Early Neolithic, 190, 191
buffalo, water, 266
Bufo spp. (toads), at Cerro Baúl, 76, 77–78
bufotenin (bufotoxin), 77
bullheads (Amieurus sp.), 111
burials: Anglo-Saxon, 336–37; Hueda, 302, 303; macaw, 129–30, 136–38; in Mesopotamian, 222; Middle Neolithic, 193; Mongolian Bronze Age, 278–82, 283–88; in Monterey Bay area, 6, 171–72, 182; Shang, 253, 254, 255, 259–63, 269; at Teotihuacan, 12, 15–25; Wari, 69–70, 80, 81
butchering, butchery, 79; at Chacoan sites, 159–60; deer, 356–57, 366; at Racot, 195, 198, 200–201; of Roman pigs, 322–23, 330
caches, 11, 113; Hueda, 302–3; at San Bartolo, 98–99
Caddoan ceremonial centers, animal remains at, 115–17, 118
Çadır Höyük, 215, 216; sheep management, 217, 218, 220, 222
cages: at Paquimé, 129, 136; at Teotihuacan, 16, 20, 24
Cahokia (Illinois), 3; deer remains at, 109–10; ritual assemblages at, 113–14, 119
California, coastal, 6, 167. See also Monterey Bay area
camelids: at Cerro Baúl, 64, 69, 71, 75, 76, 78–79, 80, 81
CA-MNT-229, 170, 179–80; funerary assemblages, 171–72, 182
CA-MNT-234, 170, 172, 176, 180
canids (Canis spp.), 81, 156; in Mesoamerican ritual, 22–23, 38–39, 40, 43(table), 44, 52–53. See also coyotes; dogs; wolves
Canis latrans. See coyotes
Canis lupus baileyi. See wolves
Canis lupus familiaris. See dogs
Cappadocian tablets, 233
Capreolus capreolus. See deer, red
caprines (ovicaprids), 210; Early Neolithic use, 190–91; Middle Neolithic use, 194–202, 203, 205; wool/fiber production and, 212–15. See also goats; sheep
captivity: of eagles, 20–22, 50–52; of felines, 20; of Templo Mayor animals, 35–36. See also falconry
carcass processing: Medieval England, 355–56; at Monterey Bay area sites, 176–79, 180–81; at Racot, 195–200; Roman, 322–23. See also meat distribution
cardinal directions: color symbolism, 130–33; Mississippian, 3, 114
cardinals, 114; color symbolism of, 3, 130
carnivores, 160; in folk taxonomies, 13–14; in Preclassic Maya contexts, 95–97; in Teotihuacan burials, 2–3, 5, 15–17
Carthage, 318; dogs in, 327–28
Casa Rinconada (Chaco Canyon), small-house sites around, 146, 148–54, 155–56, 160–61
Casas Grandes. See Paquimé
CA-SCL-119, 170, 172, 176, 177, 180, 181
CA-SCR-44, 170, 172, 177, 180, 181
Çatalhöyük, sheep raising at, 215–16, 217, 218–19
cats, pampas, 75, 76, 80. See also felines; by type
cattle, 187, 320; Anglo-Saxon sites, 338, 340, 341, 344, 345; Early Neolithic use, 189–90; at Kanesh, 240–41; at Racot, 194–202, 204; Roman “breeding” practices, 323–27; Shang use of, 256, 266–70
Cerro Baúl (Peru): elites at, 63, 76; excavation contexts at, 67–70; excavations at, 66–67; faunal assemblage from, 71–81; offerings at, 78–80; social inequality in, 5–6; as Wari capital, 64–66
Cervus elaphus. See deer, red
Chaco Canyon, 5, 145–46, 147, 161; butchering in, 159–60; hunting practices, 154–59; sites in, 148–50
Chalco, 33
Chalcolithic: sheep management, 215, 220–26; social hierarchy in, 209–10; wool production, 6, 210–11, 213
Chama echinata, 44
chariots, charioteers: Shang dynasty, 257–61, 262
chasse par force de chien, 366
chema, 260–61
Chianina breed, 327
chicha (beer), Wari production of, 67–69
Chickasaw, Squirrel King, 115
chickens, at Anglo-Saxon sites, 340, 344
Chihuahua, 125. See also Paquimé
China, 3–4, 5; chariots and horses in, 257–62; Shang dynasty, 252–53
Christian communities, Middle Anglo-Saxon, 343–47
Cihuatlan, 44
city-states, Anatolian Bronze Age, 235–36
clams, in Templo Mayor offerings, 44, 50
clans, Pueblo, 133
Classic Bonito subphase (Chaco Canyon), 145, 146, 149, 158, 160
Classic Period (Maya), 87–88, 93
Classic Period (Teotihuacan), 11
classification system, culture-specific, 13, 251–52
Codex Fejervary-Mayer, 134
Códice Magliabechi, 52
Códice Vaticano A, 53
Coelenterata, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 53
Colorado Plateau, 145
color/directional symbolism: birds and, 3, 129; cosmological principle, 130–33; at Paquimé, 136–40; social organization and, 133–34
color sets, 134–35; at Paquimé, 136–40
commodities, 6, 211, 213; livestock as, 242–43
communal events, 146. See also feasting
communities, Anglo-Saxon, 360–61
compounds, at Cerro Baúl, 68–69
condors, Andean, 75, 76–77, 78, 80
Constantine III, 335
constrictors, 304. See also pythons
cookhouse, Tom Jones site, 116, 117
coral, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 53
corn, color symbolism of, 134
Cortés, Hernán, 52
cosmology, 3, 5, 25, 66, 113; color/directional symbolism, 130–34; Huedan, 304–5
costumes, feathered, 80
cougars. See pumas
Cowdery’s Down (Hampshire), 347
coyotes (Canis latrans), 22, 156
Cozumel, 99
crabs, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 53
craft specialists: Shang dynasty, 264, 266, 267–69; use of animal parts, 52, 112
cranes, 133; East Anglian (Grus grus), 340, 344; sandhill, 112
crania. See skulls
Crenshaw site (Arkansas), 116, 117; butchered deer at, 108–9, 115
Cuauhtemoc, 54
cuch ritual, 100
cuckoos, 115
Cuzco region, 81
Cygnus sp. (swans), 3, 110, 114, 344
Dahomey, destruction of Savi by, 299, 310–11
Dangbe, 297, 311; in Huedan cosmos, 304–5, 308–9
death, journey after, 53
deer, 4, 33; at Anglo-Saxon sites, 342, 344, 356–65; in Caddoan sites, 115, 116; in Chacoan sites, 156, 159; David’s (Elaphure davidianus), 264; fallow, 367; in Mississippian sites, 108–11, 112; Monterey Bay area, 171, 177, 179(table); muntjac (Muntiacus sp.), 264; in Norman England, 365–70; red (Cervus Elaphus) and roe (Capreolus capreolus), 194, 195, 340, 344, 358, 359, 364, 367; at San Bartolo, 90, 97–99, 101; in Shang Dynasty, 264–66; sika (Cervus nippon), 264; Wari use of, 80, 81; white-tailed (Odocoileus virginianus), 75, 78, 93, 100
deer stones, 280; horse remains in, 278–79, 281
diet, 5, 6; Maya, 85; Mississippian, 108; Monterey Bay area hunter-gatherers, 174–76, 180–81; Roman Empire, 316–20, 329–31; Wari, 76, 78, 81
ditches, and Hueda pythons, 306
divers, at Anglo-Saxon sites, 344
divination, Shang dynasty, 256, 264, 267
dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), 3, 22, 81; at Cerro Baúl, 71, 76, 77, 80; in Roman Empire, 327–29; at San Bartolo, 93, 98–99; in Shang Dynasty, 261, 263, 264; travel through underworld and, 53, 55. See also canids
dolphin, at Middle Saxon sites, 344
domestic animals, 1, 5, 6, 187; North European Plain, 189–91. See also by type
domestic contexts, at San Bartolo, 93–95, 97
Donax spp., 43(table), 48(table), 50
donkeys (Equus asinus), in Assyrian trade networks, 234, 241–42
doves, 80; eared, 75; mourning, 116
dragons, Shang Dynasty, 266
drums, Paquimé hand, 138–39, 140
dwarfism, and Toho, 308
eagles, golden (Aquila chrysaetos): at Cahokia, 114; in captivity, 20–22, 50–52; at Teotihuacan, 15, 16, 17; in Templo Mayor, 39, 40, 43(table), 44, 54
Early Anglo-Saxon period, 335, 358, 370; West Stow site, 338–42
Early Chalcolithic (EC) period, sheep survivorship, 215, 216–17
Early Neolithic, 187; cattle in, 189–90; farming in, 188–89;
ovicaprid and pig use in, 190–91
East Anglia, Anglo-Saxons in, 336–37
Eastern Inner Asia. See Inner Asia
Echinodermata, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 50, 53
economies, 1, 6; Anglo-Saxon England, 347; Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 237–38, 242–44; Mississippian, 108–11; Mongolian megamonuments and, 287–88; pastoral nomadic, 282–83
Egiin Gol, horse remains in, 281, 284
Elaphure davidianus, 264
elites, 7, 53, 353, 358, 360; Anatolian, 236; at Cerro Baúl, 63, 76; Chalcolithic and Bronze Age, 209, 221; Hueda, 295–96; Mayan, 93, 95–98, 100–101; Mississippian, 3, 107, 108–10, 111–19; Norman, 365–66; Roman, 317–18, 319, 320–21, 327–28, 330; Shang, 4, 253–60, 269–70; Wari, 5–6, 63, 82; and wool production, 213, 222
El Kown 2, 212
emporia, Anglo-Saxon, 337
England, 4, 5, 6; Anglo-Saxons in, 335, 336–37; Early Anglo-Saxon sites, 338–42; Late Anglo-Saxon, 362–65; Medieval period, 4, 354, 355–56; Middle Anglo-Saxon, 342–47, 357–62; Norman period, 365–70
English, in Hueda, 305–6
environment(s), 1; represented in Templo Mayor offerings, 44, 45–49(table)
Equus asinus (donkeys), in Assyrian trade networks, 234, 241–42. See also horses
estates, Middle Anglo-Saxon, 342–47, 362
Europe, 4, 190. See also England; Poland
Europeans, Huedan trade, 303–4, 305, 308
exchange relationships, 6; Monterey Bay area, 171–72. See also trade
Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae, De (Gildas), 336
exotic animals, 64, 76. See also wild animals
Fajada Gap sites (Chaco Canyon), 146, 158, 159; artiodactyl procurement, 155, 156
falconry, Anglo-Saxon, 344, 362
falcons, peregrine (Falco peregrinus), 112, 114, 344
falcon-warrior motif, Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, 112
Falco peregrinus (falcons), 112, 114, 344
famine food, wild animals as, 357
Fane Mingo (Squirrel King), 115
farming, Early Neolithic, 188–90
fat, use at Kanesh, 241
feasting, 5, 78, 146; archaeological signature of, 147–48; Caddoan, 116–17; Early Neolithic, 190, 191; Hueda, 303–4, 306, 308, 309; Late Anglo-Saxon, 363, 365; Medieval England, 355–56; Mississippian, 110–11, 114–15; at Racot, 203, 204–5; Shang dynasty, 257, 264
Feathered Serpent Pyramid (FSP) (Teotihuacan), 14, 15
feeding, of vodun, 301–2
felines: at Cerro Baúl, 75, 80; at San Bartolo, 93, 95–97, 100–101; at Teotihuacan, 2–3, 5, 15, 17–20
felt, 212
fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper), 89
ferret, 81
fish, 33, 90, 117, 338; at Cerro Baúl, 76, 78, 80; at Chaco Canyon sites, 151(table), 160; Mississippian use, 108, 110, 111; in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 43(table), 44, 53
flatfish, 338
flickers, 116
Flixborough site (England), 345
flycatchers, tyrant, 75, 76, 78
food, 5; distribution and consumption of, 146, 363, 365; preparation of, 116, 117, 154, 190, 200–203. See also feasting; meat distribution
foodways: Early-Middle Neolithic, 204–5; and social status, 5, 168–69, 181. See also diet
folk zoology, 13
fox: gray, 112; puna, 71, 76, 78, 80, 81
Francia, trade with, 338
frogs, Mexica use of, 33
FSP. See Feathered Serpent Pyramid
fu, Shang dynasty, 254–56, 258, 269
Fu Hao, royal burial of, 269
funerary assemblages, at Monterey Bay area, 171–72, 182
game animals. See deer; wild animals
game reserves, Late Anglo-Saxon, 362
gender roles: Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 239–40; Shang dynasty, 253–60
Germany, Roman breeding practices in, 324
gift-giving: Huedan, 309–10; Norman England, 366, 368, 370; Wari, 63. See also offerings
Gildas, De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae (On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain), 336
goats, 187, 211, 220; at Anglo-Saxon sites, 340, 344; Early Neolithic use, 190–91; Middle Neolithic use, 194–202, 203, 205; Roman, 319, 320, 323–27
gods, Huedan, 304
gophers, pocket, 116
Great Houses (Chaco Canyon), 145–46, 148, 158
Great Kiva (Chaco Canyon), 5, 146, 148
Great Settlement Shang, 252, 253, 261; bone working in, 264, 266
Great Temple (Tenochtitlan). See Templo Mayor
grouse, 133
Grus spp. (cranes, East Anglian), 112, 133, 340, 344
guanaco, 75
Guatemala, 6
Güvercinkayası, 216; pastoral economy, 215, 217–18, 219, 220–21
Hacınebi (Anatolia), 213
Hahhum, 242
hairpins, cattle bone, 268, 269
Halichoerus grypus (seals, gray), 344
halls, Anglo-Saxon, 360–61, 363
hallucinogens, in toad toxins, 77
Hamwic, 337
Heorot, 360–61
herd management, for wool production, 212–13, 214–15
History of the English People (Bede), 357
Honorius, 336
Hopi, 130
horses, 7, 194; in Anglo-Saxon sites, 340, 344; and chariots, 257–61, 262, 266; in Mongolian Bronze Age monuments, 277–82, 283–88; pastoral nomadism and, 275, 282–83
Hovsgol Aimag, 284
Hrothgar, 360
Huaynaputina volcano, 67
Hueda kingdom (Benin), 295; Dangbe in, 304–5, 308–9; feasting, 303–4; food offerings, 302–3; patronage in, 301–302; pythons in, 4, 305–6, 307, 309–11; Savi community, 297–301; vodun/Vodun in, 296–97
Hungary, 324
hunter-gatherers, California coastal, 6, 167, 169–82
hunting: Anglo-Saxon, 340, 342, 344, 363; in Chaco Canyon, 154–59; communal, 5, 156–57; deer, 356–57; garden, 158; medieval ceremonial, 361–62; Norman, 366–70; Shang dynasty, 258, 264, 266; as social performance, 4–5, 14
Hydropotes inermis (river-deer), 264
Iberia, 323; Roman diet in, 317, 320–22, 330
Icklingham (England), 340
iconography: Late Anglo-Saxon, 362; Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, 118–19; of wool production, 211–12
ICT-II tract (Cahokia), swans in, 114
identity, 329; Roman cultural, 316–20
Ider Valley, Middle, 284; megamonuments in, 286, 287
inheritance, Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 239–40
Inner Asia: Bronze Age monuments, 276–88; pastoral nomadism, 275–76
instruments, ritual, 36
invertebrates, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35
Ipswich, 337
Italy: Roman breeding practices in, 323–24, 326–27; Roman diet in, 316, 317, 320–21
Jabali (San Bartolo), 88
jackrabbits, at Chacoan sites, 154, 156, 157
jaguars (Panthera onca): at Teotihuacan, 15, 17–18, 19, 20; at San Bartolo, 89, 93, 95–97, 100–101
jewelry, canids decorated in, 53
John of Salisbury, 366
jurel, at Cerro Baúl, 76, 78, 80
Kanesh. See Kültepe/Kanesh
Keresans, color/directional symbolism, 133
kestrels, 114
Khangai, megamonuments in, 286
Khanuy Valley, 284; megamonument in, 286, 287
khirigsuurs, 7, 280, 282; communal construction of, 283–84; components of, 284–85; large, 286–88; horses and, 279, 281, 285–86
Kilham (England), 341
kingships: Anatolian, 237; Anglo-Saxon, 360–61; Huedan, 298, 301–2, 306, 308, 309; Mayan, 95–97, 100–101; Shang, 252
knives, as status symbols, 361–62, 365
Konya Plain, sheep management on, 215–17
Köşk Höyük, 215; sheep management at, 216–17, 218–19, 220–21
Kujavia, 192
Kültepe/Kanesh, 6, 233, 237; as Assyrian colony, 235–36; economies of, 238–39, 243–44; inheritance and gender roles in, 239–40; trade goods, 242–43
labor mobilization, Mississippian, 107, 110
Lagomorph Index (LI), at Chacoan sites, 156–57, 160
Lake Providence site, 117
Lama glama (llamas), at Cerro Baúl, 75, 78–79
land rights, hunting and, 362
landscape: Medieval England, 354–55; Mongolian monumental, 276–77, 280–82
Las Pinturas complex (San Bartolo), 87–88, 91; murals in 88–90, 93, 96–97; ritual deposits in, 98–99
Las Plumas complex (San Bartolo), 88, 98
Las Ventanas (San Bartolo), 88
Late Anglo-Saxon period: food distribution and consumption in, 363–65; hunting in, 362–63
Late Band Pottery Culture (LBPC), 191
Late Bonito subphase (Chaco Canyon), 145–46, 149, 160; hunting practices, 156, 158
Late Chalcolithic (LC) period, 215; sheep management, 213, 220, 222
Late Classic Period (Maya), 87–88; at San Bartolo, 93, 96, 97–98, 99–100, 101
Late Shang. See Anyang period
Late Uruk period, wool production, 211–12
LBK. See Linear Band Pottery Culture
LBPC. See Late Band Pottery Culture
LC. See Late Chalcolithic period
Lengyel culture, 204–5; at Racot, 191–94
leporids, Chaco Canyon hunting, 156–58
Levant, 213
LI. See Lagomorph Index
lineages: Hueda, 302; Shang royal, 252–56
Linear Band Pottery Culture (LBK), 203, 204; cattle and, 189–90; sites, 188–89
Lisa, 308
livestock: commodification of, 242–43; Roman breeding of, 323–27, 330–31. See also various animals
lizards, at Cerro Baúl, 76
llamas (Lama glama), at Cerro Baúl, 75, 78–79
loam pits: in Early Neolithic sites, 190; at Racot, 194, 195, 198, 202, 203
Lohmann phase (Cahokia), swans in, 114
longhouses: Early Neolithic, 189, 190; Middle Neolithic, 193, 194, 195, 198, 202, 203
Long lineages (Long Fang), 253–54
lords, Anglo-Saxon, 361
lower class, Norman England, 368–70
lu, 264–66
Lubbub Creek site (Alabama), 108–9, 114, 117
Luhusattia, 242
Lutra lutra (otters), 344
macaws (Ara spp.), 81; military and scarlet, 3, 125, 126, 129, 130, 136–38, 139–40
Maikop culture, wool production, 211, 222
Maize God, in Las Pinturas murals, 89, 96
mammals (Mammalia), 35; in Caddoan sites, 117; in Chaco Canyon sites, 151–52(table), 153(table); Mississippian diet of, 108, 111, 112; Monterey Bay area sites, 172, 173(table), 176–79
marriage, Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 239
marrow consumption, at Racot, 201–2, 203
Maya, 6, 85, 86, 117, 134; Late Classic, 97–98; Preclassic, 95–97, 100–101; at San Bartolo, 87–95
MBA. See Middle Bronze Age
MC period. See Middle Chalcolithic
McElmo subphase (Chaco Canyon), 149
meat distribution, 355; in Anglo-Saxon England, 356–61, 363–65; knives as symbols of, 361–63; in Norman England, 366–68
meat processing. See butchering, butchery; carcass processing
meat procurement, 355; Assyrian, 240–41. See also hunting
Medieval Climatic Anomaly, and Monterey Bay area sites, 171
Medieval England, 370–71; deer hunting, 4, 361–62, 366; landscape studies, 354–55; meat in, 355–56. See also various periods
Medio period (Casas Grandes region), 128
megamonuments, in Mongolia, 286–88
Megapitaria squalida, 50
Meleagris gallopavo (turkey), 129–30
Meles meles (badgers), at Anglo-Saxon sites, 340, 344
merchants, Anatolian, 237
merlins, at Mississippian sites, 114
Mesoamerica, 11, 14, 25. See also various cultures; sites
Mesopotamia, 6, 231; state formation, 213–14, 222; wool production in, 210, 211–12, 221
Mexica, 5, 33, 44. See also Tenochtitlan
Mexicaltzingo, 33
Mexico, Basin of, animal use in, 33–34
Miahuatlan, 44
microfauna, in Mississippian sites, 117–18
Middle Anglo-Saxon period, 335, 338, 370; animal husbandry, 344–47; deer in, 357–59; hunting and land rights in, 361–62; meat distribution in, 359–61; sites, 342–44
Middle Bronze Age (MBA): Anatolia, 232–33; Assyrian trade networks, 233–36, 241–43; sheep management, 214, 215, 220; social inequality, 237–40
Middle Chalcolithic (MC) period, 215; pastoral economy in, 217–19; wool production, 220–21
Middle-Late Transition (MLT) period (Monterey Bay area), 182; carcass processing in, 177–79; diet stress in, 180–81; faunal assemblages, 169, 170, 171, 172
Middle Neolithic: at Racot, 191–203; social change in, 204–5
Middle Period (Monterey Bay area), 180, 182; carcass processing in, 177–79, 181; faunal assemblages, 169, 170, 171, 172
Mississippian culture, 3, 6, 160; elite animal use, 107, 111–19; feast provisioning, 114–15; political economy, 108–11
MLT period. See Middle-Late Transition
mockingbirds/thrashers, 114, 115
Moctezuma, aviary kept by, 51
moieties, Pueblo, 134
moles, at Crenshaw site, 116
mollusks (Mollusca), 33; in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 39, 41–43(table), 44, 50, 53
monastic communities, Middle Anglo-Saxon, 343–47
Mongolia, 7; Bronze Age monuments in, 276–88; pastoral nomadism, 275–76
Monterey Bay area: archaeological sites in, 170–71; carcass processing, 176–79; faunal assemblages, 172–74, 179–82; funerary assemblages, 171–72; hunter-gatherers, 167, 169–70
monuments, Mongolian Bronze Age, 275, 276–88
Moon Pyramid (Teotihuacan), 3, 5, 11, 14, 26; burials at, 15–25
mortuary ritual: Cerro Baúl, 78; Mississippian, 113
mouflon, European, 212
Moundville (Alabama), 113, 114, 118; deer remains at, 108, 109; elite animal use at, 111–12
mountain lion. See pumas
mountains, sacred, 66
Mucking (Essex), 339–40
muntjac (Muntiacus sp.), 264
murals: Preclassic Mayan, 85; at San Bartolo, 88–90, 93, 96–97
mythical animals, in Shang Dynasty, 266
mythology, Preclassic Maya, 85, 89
Near East, 190; wool production, 211–14; writing in, 232–33. See also Bronze Age; Chalcolithic
Neolithic: caprine use, 212–13; Early-Middle transition, 204–5; farming, 188–89; on North European Plain, 187, 189–200; sheep management, 215–16, 220
Ngarigo, 360
ni, 264
niu, use of, 266–70
Norfolk, Anglo-Saxon, 336, 340
Norman England, deer hunting, 4, 365–70
Norman Conquest, 365
Northern Khangai, 286
North European Plain, 204–5; Early Neolithic in, 187–91; Middle Neolithic on, 191–203
obsidian, Monterey Bay area exchange, 171
Odocoileus virginianus. See deer, white-tailed
Oetzi the Iceman, 212
Offering 125 (Templo Mayor), 36–39; animal remains in, 39–50
offerings, 3, 98, 116; Hueda, 302–3, 309–10; microfauna as, 117–18; symbolism of, 52–54; Templo Mayor, 35–56; Teotihuacan, 12, 16–17; Wari, 63, 69, 78–79, 81
Ojibwa Indians, 13
Old Assyrian Colony system, 214
Olmec, jaguar motifs, 95
Ometepec, 44
opossums, 33
oracle-bones, Shang dynasty, 267, 268
oral history, Hueada, 296–97
ornaments, of animal body parts, 36
oropendolas, Montezuma (Psarocolius montezuma), 89
Osteichthyes. See fish
otters (Lutra lutra), 344
Ouachita River, 118
ovicaprids. See caprines
Ovis spp., 211. See also sheep
owls, 3; at Mississippian sites, 114, 115; pygmy, 75, 76, 78
oysters, Eastern (Tellina fausta), 50
palaces: Cerro Baúl, 69–70; Hueda, 295
Panthera onca. See jaguars
Paquimé (Casas Grandes): aviculture at, 129–30; color/directional symbolism, 3, 136–40; excavations at, 127–29; setting of, 126–27; social complexity of, 125–26
parades, Hueda kingdom, 306, 308
parakeets, Carolina, 114
parkers/foresters, 366
passerines, at Caddoan sites, 115
pastoralism: and Assyrian Anatolia, 240–44; Chalcolithic, 216–21; herd management, 214–15
pastoral nomadism, 210; Inner Asian, 275–76, 282–83
pathologies: in birds of prey, 21, 36; in canids, 53, 327–28, 329; in cattle, 340; in felines, 18–20
patronage, Hueda, 301–2
Pauahtun, 100
peasants: Late Anglo-Saxon, 362–63; Norman, 369–70
peccary (Tayassuidae), at San Bartolo, 93, 97–98, 101
pelts, northern fur seal, 176–77, 181
perdum, 242
persons, animate beings as, 13
pets, 6; in Roman Empire, 327–29; in Tenochtitlan, 53
pigeons: passenger, 111, 115, 116; spot-winged, 75
pigs (Sus scrofa/domesticus), 187, 191, 305; at Anglo-Saxon sites, 338, 340, 344; at Kanesh, 240, 241; at Racot, 194–96, 198–200, 204–5; Roman “breeding” practices of, 323–27; Roman butchery of, 322–23; and Roman cultural identity, 316–20, 329–30
pirikannum, 214
plants: cardinal directions and, 131–32(table), 133; as persons, 13
Plaza 3-12 (Paquimé), macaw burials in, 136, 137
poaching, in Norman England, 368–70
Poland, Neolithic, 187–89
political economy, Mississippian, 108–111
Pontic region, 222
Porifera, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35
pork: Roman butchery practices, 322–23; and Roman cultural identity, 316–20, 329–30
Postclassic period (Maya), ritual deposits at, 99
potteries, Anglo-Saxon, 337
PPNB. See Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
prairie chickens, 110
Preclassic period (Maya), 87–88; animal use, 93, 98–99, 100–101; wild cat use, 95–97
Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB), 232
prestige items: beef as, 345; in Chalcolithic Anatolia, 221; macaws as, 126, 139–40
prey-predator, hierarchy of, 13
Principal Bird Deity, 90
projectile points, bone, 265, 266
pronghorn antelope, 177; at Chacoan sites, 154, 155–56, 159
provisioning: Anglo-Saxon emporia, 337; in Mississippian culture, 108–10, 114–15
Psarocolius montezuma (oropendolas), 89
Pueblo Alto, 154, 155, 156, 159
Pueblo societies, color/directional symbolism in, 133, 134–35
pumas (Puma concolor), 115; at Cerro Baúl, 75, 76, 80; at Teotihuacan, 15, 16, 17, 18–20
puna fox. See fox
Pyramid of the Moon. See Moon Pyramid
pythons (Python spp.): Dahomey killing and eating of, 310–11; in Hueda kingdom, 4, 297, 304–6, 307, 308–10
quail, 33, 16; Montezuma, 44, 51
Quarrington (England), 345
Quauhtli-ocelotl, 20
Quetzalcoatl, 25
rabbits, 33, 266; at Chacoan sites, 154, 156, 157–58; Mississippian use of, 111, 116
raccoon, 116
Racot (Poland), 189; carcass processing at, 200–202, 203; description of, 191–94; faunal assemblage from, 194–200; food-related practices at, 204–5
rats, 116
rattlesnakes: at Teotihuacan, 16, 24, 25; in Templo Mayor, 43(table), 44
ravens, 160
Red River valley, 118
ren: dogs and, 263; pathways of, 253–60
reptiles (Reptilia), 35, 76, 89, 117; at Mississippian sites, 108, 111. See also pythons; rattlesnakes
residential areas: Caddoan sites, 116–17; Cahokia, 114; Cerro Baúl, 69–70; Hueda, 295–96; Monterey Bay area, 169–70
rituals, ritual contexts: Andean, 64, 77; canids in, 22–23, 38–39, 40, 52–53; China, 3–4; dedication, 11, 12; Mississippian cultures, 108, 112–18; Paquimé, 126, 128–30, 140; at San Bartolo, 98–101; Templo Mayor, 54–56. See also feasting; sacrifice
river-deer (Hydropotes inermis), 264
roasting pits, at Chaco Canyon, 154
rodents: at Cerro Baúl, 71; at Mississippian sites, 114, 116. See also by type
Roman Empire: animal husbandry, 316–17; breeding practices, 323–27; diet in, 320–22, 329–31; and England, 335–36, 340; pets in, 327–29; pork in, 317–20, 322–23
romanization, 316, 321; animal “breeding” and, 323–27; of diet, 316–20, 329–30
Romans: cultural identity, 316–20; cultural inequality, 315–16
royalty, 14; Anatolian, 237; Anglo-Saxon, 337, 347; Hueda, 297; Mayan, 95–97, 100–101; Shang, 252–53
Rubeidheh (Iraq), wool production, 213
Ruin and Conquest of Britain, On the (Gildas), 336
ruminants. See artiodactyls
rural sites: Anglo-Saxon, 360; Norman England, 366, 368
sacred mountains, Wari, 66
sacrifices: Andean, 64; Maya, 90, 93, 100; Mongolian Bronze Age, 282, 288; Roman, 327; Shang, 253–54, 256–57, 260–63, 266, 267; Teotihucan, 15–25
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 51
Sakapata, 308
San Bartolo (Guatemala): diet and social status, 6, 85; excavations at, 87–88; faunal assemblage from, 91–101; murals at, 88–90; zooarchaeological analysis in, 90–91
San Felipe Lake (California), 170
San Juan Pueblo, 134
Santa Clara Valley (California), 170
Santo Domingo Pueblo, 133
Sarab (Iran), sheep depictions, 212, 213
Savi (Hueda kingdom), 295, 304; archaeology of, 297–301, 302–3, 310
Sciurus sp. (squirrels), 33, 188 ; Caddoan and Mississippian use of, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118
sea animals, at Tenochtitlan, 53. See also by phyla; species
seals: gray (Halichoerus grypus), 344; northern fur, 172, 174, 176–77, 178(table), 181
sea urchins, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 50, 53
seax, as status symbol, 361–62, 365
SECC. See Southeastern Ceremonial Complex
serpents. See snakes
SFBs. See sunken-featured buildings
Shang dynasty, 3–4, 252; cattle use, 266–70; deer in, 264–66; dogs in, 261, 263; female roles in, 254–56; horses and chariots in, 259–61, 262; sacrifices, 253–54, 256–57
sharks, 35, 112; short-fin mako, 76
sheep (Ovis spp.), 6, 187; in Anatolia, 215–19, 240, 242–43; in Anglo-Saxon England, 6, 338, 340, 341, 342, 344–47; Chalcolithic management of, 216–23; depictions of, 211–12; Early Neolithic use, 190–91; management for wool, 212–13, 214–15; at Racot, 194–202, 203, 205; Roman use of, 319, 320, 323–27; state formation and, 213–14
shell, Monterey Bay area, 171
shrews, 116
shrimp, in Templo Mayor offerings, 35, 41, 44, 53
Shurgan Bayan Am, 287
silver, from Kanesh, 235
skulls (crania), 265, 360; ancestral human, 302, 303
slab burials: horses in, 278, 283; Inner Asian, 278, 280, 283
slavery, slave trade: Hueda and, 296; Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 238–39
small-house sites (Chaco Canyon), 146, 148–49; faunal assemblages, 150–54, 155–56, 160–61
Smith, John, in Hueda, 305–6
snakes: in Hueda kingdom, 4, 297, 303–4; in Las Pinturas murals, 89; in Teotihuacan burials, 15, 16, 24–25. See also pythons, rattlesnakes
social hierarchy, 7, 13, 26, 85, 126, 277, 315, 356; Chalcolithic, 209–10; identifying, 353–54; Late Anglo-Saxon hunting and, 362–63; Near East, 231–32; Shang, 252–60; Sutton Hoo burial and, 336–37; taxonomic richness and, 5–6
social inference, 167–68
social organization, 1; color/directional symbolism and, 133–34
social status, 210; Anglo Saxon, 360–65; diet and, 5, 168–69, 174–75, 181; Norman, 365–70; Roman Empire, 317–18, 319–22; Shang dynasty, 269–70
Southampton, 337
Southeastern Ceremonial Complex (SECC), 112, 114, 118–19
South Gap sites (Chaco Canyon), 146
Southwestern Khangai, 286
spider monkey, in Templo Mayor offering, 39, 43(table), 44, 52
spindle whorls, and wool production, 212, 219
Spondylus spp., 44
Spong Hill (Norfolk), 336, 340
squirrels (Sciurus sp.), 33, 188; Caddoan and Mississippian use of, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118
state formation, 6, 14, 213–14, 222
Stroke Ornamented Pottery Culture, 191
Suffolk, Anglo-Saxons in, 336, 337
sunken-featured buildings (SFB), at West Stow, 338, 339–40
Sun Pyramid (Teotihuacan), 14, 15
Sus scrofa/domesticus. See pigs
Sutton Hoo burial, 336–37
swans (Cygnus sp.), 3, 110, 114, 344
Sylvilagus aquaticus, 111
symbolism, 2, 3, 4, 5; Anglo-Saxon hunting tools, 361–62; at Paquimé, 130; Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, 112, 114, 118; Templo Mayor offerings, 52–54; Teotihuacano, 11
Syria, 242
taphonomy: Monterey Bay area sites, 176–80, 181; Racot settlement fauna, 195–200
taxidermy, in Templo Mayor offerings, 36
taxonomic orders, 13
taxonomic richness, and social hierarchy, 5–6
Tayassuidae, at San Bartolo, 93, 97–98, 101
Tecpantepec, 44
Tehuantepec, 44
Tellina fausta (oysters), 50
Tell Soto, caprines at, 212
temples: Cerro Baúl, 69; Huedan, 307, 308–9, 310–11
Templo Mayor (Tenochtitlan), 3, 5; animals in, 14, 34–36, 54–56; captivity of animals in, 50–52; Offering 125, 36–50; symbolism in, 52–54
Tenochtitlan. See Templo Mayor
Teotihuacan, 3, 5, 11, 12, 16, 23–26; as ceremonial center, 14–15; eagles in, 20–22; felines in, 17–20
Tepe Sarab (Iran), sheep figurine, 212, 213
termination rituals, at San Bartolo, 99–100
Tewa, 134
textiles, 135, 242, 338; woolen, 211, 212, 214, 222
theatrical processes, 4–5
thegnly class, 362
thrashers/mockingbirds, 114, 115
tigers, 266
Tigrillo Palace (San Bartolo), 88, 91, 93, 95
tin, Assyrian trade in, 234–35
tinamous, at Cerro Baúl, 75, 76, 80
Titicaca, Lake, water rituals, 77
Tlatecuhtli, symbolic architecture of, 37
toads (Bufo spp.), at Cerro Baúl, 76, 77–78
Toho, 308
Toho, Lake, 310
tombs, Shang dynasty, 254–63, 269. See also khirigsuurs
Tom Jones site (Arkansas), ritual feasting in, 116–17
Toqua site (Tennessee), 108
Totocalli, care for birds in, 51, 52
Towa é, 134–35
toxins, in toad secretions, 77
trade: Anglo-Saxon, 337–38; Assyrian, 233–36, 241–43; Huedan-European, 305–6, 308; Mexica, 44; Monterey Bay area, 171, 172, 181; Paquimé, 130; Wari, 63
trophies: deer, 264, 265; Shang dynasty, 264, 265
Turkana, 360
turkey (Meleagris spp.), 90, 108, 111, 116, 129–30
Turkey. See Anatolia
Turtle dance (Pueblo), 135
turtles, 33, 99, 100, 256, 267
Tuva, 284
Ubaid period, 213
Umbria, Chianina cattle in, 327
Ur III, 215
urban centers: Anglo-Saxon, 337; Roman butchery in, 322–23; Roman diet and, 317, 318, 320
Urt Balagyn, 287
Uruk culture, 213; wool production, 211–12, 222
venison, procurement and distribution of, 355, 356–65, 366–70
Venta Belgarum, 336
vicuña, 75
vipers, in Huedan houses, 304
vizcacha (Andean hare), 71, 76, 80
vodun/Vodun: feeding, 301–2; in Hueda, 296–97, 304, 306, 308
wading birds, at Anglo-Saxon sites, 344
war: Mississippian symbols of, 114; Shang dynasty, 258–59
Wari, 63; animals used by, 71–82; at Cerro Baúl, 64–66; elite symbolism, 5–6
warriors: canids as, 22, 23; Shang, 253–54, 256; Teotihuacan, 20, 23
water, rituals associated with, 77
waterfowl, 344; in Mississippian sites, 108, 111, 114
wealth, 182, 232; Huedan displays of, 308; Middle Bronze Age Anatolia, 238, 239–40; of pastoral nomads, 210, 282–83
West Stow (England), 335; animal husbandry at, 340–42, 345, 346; archaeology of, 338–39
whale, at Middle Saxon sites, 344
Wicken Bonhunt (Essex), 347
Wielkopolska region, 188
wild animals, 5; as famine food, 357; Mexica use of, 33; Neolithic use of, 187, 194; in Norman England, 365; as property, 362; in Roman Iberia, 320–21, 330; Shang Dynasty use of, 264–66. See also by type
Winchester (Venta Belgarum), 336
Winterville (Mississippi), feasting evidence, 110–11
wolves (Canis lupus baileyi), at Teotihuacan, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24. See also canids
woodpeckers, 3; at Caddoan sites, 114, 115, 116
wool production: Anatolia, 6, 210–11, 242; Anglo-Saxon England, 345–47; Chalcolithic, 220–23; faunal indicators of, 212–13; identifying, 214–20; state formation and, 213–14
writing, Mesopotamia, 231, 232–33
Xaltocan, 33
Xiaotun: oracle-bone from, 268; trophy deer skull from, 265
Xochtlan, 44
Xoconochco, 44
Yarborough site, 108
Yasmina necropolis (Carthage), pet dog in, 327–28, 329
Yeavering (Yorkshire), 347
Yomut, 210
York, 337
Zagros, 213
zoos, Tenochtitlan, 14
Zuni, color/direction symbolism, 133