Appendix II. Text Analysis
Coyote and Rabbit
The following presentation of the Coyote-Rabbit story shows the text in a multiline format that records the text in a modern orthographic (line 1) and technical morphophonemic (line 2) transcription, morpheme-by-morpheme breakdown (line 3) with identification of the morphemes (line 4), followed by sentence structures (line 5) and phrase-by-phrase English gloss (line 6). Internal phrase structure is indicated by hash marks (#), and these correspond in lines 2–6. To the right of the text are marginal notes labeling gross discourse sections of the text. Note that lines 2 and 3 revert to a morphophonemic transcription in which glottal stop is recorded in all positions (as <7>), and ts and ts’ are transcribed <tz, tz’> to demonstrate they are unitary phonemes, not combinations of two consonants, t and s, following Kaufman (2003). Line 2 also marks stress patterns.
Individual morphemes are identified using the abbreviations of Aissen et al. (2017:vii–xx) and Mateo Toledo (2017) except that I have merged abbreviations to form NCLF (noun classifier) and NUMCLF (numeral classifier). In the conventions of this marking, major roots such as nouns and verbs are not marked as such but are translated, that is, jun okes chi’, NUM coyote DEM, “that coyote.” Root classes can be inferred from the kinds of affixes taken by these roots and stems. Morpheme identifiers used in this text are displayed in the following chart (chart 2). Many of the derivational affixes are marked only as DER; these can be found in the grammar sketch, above.
This transcription covers only the first of several episodes of the narrative as told by the narrator; following episodes (not shown, but included in the AILLA archive recording) have the same overall structure. The text begins with a brief opening and evidentiality statement: there is a story, and it comes from our ancestors in the distant past.
The first episode follows the introductory remarks. It consists of three extended events. In a theatrical production, an episode would be presented as an act, a set of related actions telling a coherent part of the overall story. Each event within an episode would constitute a scene, as the setting and/or protagonists change from one to another. Here, the first event introduces Coyote and a peripheral figure, an old Ram. The scene changes, and the second event features the interaction between Coyote and Rabbit. Without a change in setting but sometime later, the final event involves only Coyote. Each event begins with background information and proceeds to dialogue; the peak of each event is related as a conversation. The events end with closings. The final event, Coyote’s soliloquy, is marked as the peak of this episode by the parallelisms of the monologue: a couplet and a triplet.
A1SG, A2SG, A3, A1PL, A2PL, first through third person singular and plural, Set A (ergative pronouns); B1SG, B2SG, B3, B1PL, B2PL, first through third person singular and plural, Set B (absolutive pronouns). A3 and B3 are ambiguous for number.
Roots and Stems
ADV, adverbial; CL, clitic; DEM, demonstrative; EXCLAM, exclamatory; EXH, exhortative; LOC, locative; NCLF, noun classifier NUM, numeral; NUMCLF, numeral classifier; PAR, particle; Q, interrogative. Nouns, verbs, and other major classes are translated rather than classified.
BEN, benefactive; CAUS, causative; CP, completive aspect; DIR, directional; DUB, dubitative; DUR, durative aspect; FUT, future aspect; ICP, incompletive aspect; IMP, imperative; IRR, irrealis; ITV, intransitive verb suffix; NEG, negative; PROG, progressive aspect; PSV, passive; PTCP, participle; REP, reportative; TV, transitive verb suffix. DER marks unspecified derivation.
Each of the following episodes (not shown here) has the same structure: Coyote comes upon Rabbit in a new setting, introducing a new topic (the mist-covered rock, the potato, the tar baby, and so forth). Events are related in dialogue, and each episode closes with Coyote, having been tricked again, swearing vengeance on Rabbit as he leaves to go look for him.
Text Analysis
[Discourse Notes in Brackets]
Chuj Text in Modern Orthography
Morphophonemic Transcription (unintended text in parentheses)
Morpheme (-) and Phrase (#) Boundaries
Morpheme Identification
Identification of Phrases
Phrase-by-Phrase English Gloss
Chitik ha wal jun yik’ti’al yaj.
Chí tik (tik) há wal jun yík’ti7al yáj.
chi7 tik # ha7 wal jun y-7ík’-ti7-al # y-7áj
Intro # Topic # Main Phrase
Well # there is a story # that exists
[Evidentiality Statement]
Ay wal jun yik’ti’ ko mam kicham chi’ ay kani.
7áy wal jun yík’ti7 ko mám kícham chí7 7áy kaníh.
7ay-Ø wal # jun y-7ik’-ti7 ko-mam k-7icham chi7 [#] 7ay-Ø-kan-ih
exist-B3SG PROG # NUM A3SG-story A1PL-grandfather-A1PLU-uncle DEM [#] stay-DIR-ITV
Main Phrase # Subject
There is # a story of our ancestors which remains
Hab’ yak’ jun tsanh ko mam kicham chi’, peka’.
Hap’ yák’ jun tzanh ko mám kícham chi7, péká7.
hap’-Ø-y-7ak’ # jun-tzanh ko-mam k-7icham chi7 # pek-a7
REP-B3-A3-do # NUM-NUMCLF A1PL-grandfather A1PL-uncle DEM # past-DER
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial
they say they did it # some of our ancestors # in the past
[First Event]
Ayab’ nok’ ch’ak kalnel.
7áyap’ nok’ ch’ák kálnel.
7ay-Ø-hap’ # nok’ ch’ak kalnel
exist-B3-REP # NCLF horn goat
Main Phrase # Subject
they say there was # a male sheep
Ay wanok mam ch’ak kalnel.
7áy wanok mám ch’ák kálnel.
7ay-Ø wan-ok # mam ch’ak kalnel
exist-B3 PROG-IRR # grandfather horn goat
Main Phrase # Subject
there was # an old male sheep
Xch’okoj nok’ sb’ey t’a jun b’e chi’.
Xch’ókoj nok’ sp’éy t’a jun p’éh chí7.
s-ch’ok-oj nok’ # tz-Ø-p’ey # t’ah jun p’eh chi7
A3-alone-DER NCLF # ICP-B3-walk # LOC NUM road DEM
Topic # Main Phrase # Adverbial
the animal alone # walks # on a road there
Cha’an’el sb’a nok’ ch’ak kalnel chi’. . . jun okes.
Cháan 7el sp’áh nok’ ch’ák kálnel chí7 (jun jun jun) jun 7ókés.
cha7-an-Ø-el # s-p’ah # nok’ ch’ak kalnel chi7 # jun 7okes
find-PTCP-B3-DIR # A3-self # NCLF horn sheep DEM # NUM coyote
Main Phrase # Object # Subject # Subject
met # themselves # that male sheep # [and] a coyote
Antonse t’a yem xo k’uhalil cha’anab’ el sb’a jun okes chi’ yet’ jun ch’ak kalnel chi’.
7antónse t’ah yém xoh k’úhalil cháanap’ 7él sp’áh jun 7ókes chi7 yet’ jun ch’ák kálnel chí7.
7antonse # t’ah y-7em xoh k’uh-al-il # cha7-an-Ø-hap’-7el # s-p’ah # jun 7okes chi7 y-7et’ jun ch’ak kalnel chi7
then # LOC A3-fall ADV sun-DER-DER # find-PTCP-B3-REP-DIR # A3-self # NUM coyote DEM A#-accompany NUM horn sheep DEM
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase # Object # Subject
then # when the sun was already low # they say were found # themselves # that Coyote and the Ram
Xal tik ne’ik.
Xál tik néik.
xal tik ne7ik
Intro [Adverbial Clause]:
Here now:
“Ke, ch’ak kalnel.
“Keh, ch’ák kálnel.
keh # ch’ak kalnel
EXH # horn sheep
Topic # Topic
“You # Ram
To tsin k’anb’ej t’ayach.
To tzin k’ánp’ej t’áyach,
toh # tz-Ø-hin-k’an-p’-ej # t’ay-hach
still # ICP-B3-A1SG-ask-BEN-TV # LOC-B2SG
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Adverbial
still # I ask # to you
¿Mama b’aj ix hil winh wamigu, winh konejo?
máma p’áj 7ix híl winh wámigu, (winh) winh kónejoh.
ma-ham ha7-ø # p’aj 7ix-Ø-h-7il winh w-7amiguh winh konejoh
NEG-IRR DEM-B3 # where ICP-B3-A2SG-see A1SG-friend NCLF rabbit
Main Phrase # Subject
isn’t there # where you saw my friend the Rabbit
To ay janik’ junin tarate yet’ winh.
To 7áy jánik’ junin táráte yét’ wính.
toh # 7ay-Ø jan-ik’ # jun hin-tarateh y-7et’ winh
still # exist-B3 Q-DER # NUM A1SG-date A3-accompany NCLF
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
still # isn’t there # a date of mine with him
To tarate swilin b’a yet’ winh t’a b’aj ay jun k’en, jun j’en nha k’e’en.
Toh táráte swílin p’ah yet’ wính t’ah p’áj 7ay jun k’en, jun k’en nhá k’é7en,”
toh tarateh tz-Ø-w-7il hin-p’ah y-7et’ winh t’ah p’aj 7ay-Ø jun k’en nha-k’e7en,”
still # date ICP-B3-A1SG-see A1SG-self A3-accompany NCLF LOC ADV exist-B3 NUM NCLF house-stone
Adverbial # Subject (appositive)
still # a date to see myself with him where there is a shelter cave,”
Chab’ nok’ okes chi’ t’a nok’ kalnel.
cháp’ nok’ (kón . . . nok’) 7ókes chi7 t’ah (. . . t’ah nok’ . . . t’ah nok’ . . .) nok’ kálnél.
Ø-chih-hap’ # nok’ . . . 7okes chi7 # t’ah . . . nok’ kalnel
B3-speak-REP # NCLF coyote DEM # LOC NCLF sheep
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial
they say spoke # the Coyote # to the Ram.
Haxob’ yalan nok’ ch’ak kalnel chi’ t’a nok’ okes chi’ jun, t’a nok’ koyote chi’.
Haxop’ yálan nok’ (nok’) ch’ák kálnel chi7 t’a nok’ 7ókes chi jún, t’a nok’ kóyóte chi7,
ha7 xoh hap # y-7al-an # nok’ ch’ak kalnel chi7 # t’ah nok’ 7okes chi7 jun # t’ah nok’ koyote chi7
DEM ADV REP # A3-say-DUR # NCLF sheep DEM # LOC NCLF coyote DEM CL # LOC NCLF coyote DEM
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial # Adverbial (appositive)
already then they say # said # the Ram # to the Coyote [clitic] # to that Coyote:
“Ix wil winh,
“7ix wíl wính,
7ix-Ø-w-7il # winh
Main Phrase # Object
“I saw # him
Hatik aykan’ek’ winh t’a jolom lum witz chi’, t’a tsalan chi’.
hátik 7áykan 7ek’ wính t’a jólom lum wítz chí7, t’a tzálan chí7.
ha7 tik # 7ay-Ø-kan-7ek’ # winh # t’ah jolom lum witz chi7 # t’ah tzal-an chi7
DEM DEM # exist-B3-DIR-DIR # NCLF # LOC head mountain DEM # LOC ridge DEM
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial # Adverbial
here # is over there # he # at the head of the mountain # on that ridge
Hata’ ay winh, t’a yich jun te niwan taj.
Háta7 7áy wính, t’a yích jun te níwan táj.
ha7 ta7 # 7ay-Ø # winh # t’ah y-7ich jun te7 niw-an taj
DEM ADV # exist-B3 # NCLF # LOC A3-foot NUM NCLF large pine
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial
there # is # he # at the foot of a large pine tree
Hata’ ayek’ winh t’a b’ajay jun k’en tenam chi’.
Háta7 7áyek’ wính t’a p’ájay jun k’en ténam chí7.
ha7 ta7 # 7ay-Ø-ek’ # winh # t’ah p’aj 7ay-Ø jun k’en tenam chi7
DEM ADV # exist-B3-DIR # NCLF # LOC where exist-B3 NUM NCLF boulder DEM
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject # Ad verbial
there # is # he # where there is that boulder
Tanhwab’il ha k’ochi.
Tánhwap’il ha k’óchíh,”
tanh-w-ap’-il-Ø # ha-k’och-ih”
wait-DER-PTCP-DER-B3 # A2SG-arrive-ITV
Main Phrase # Object
waiting [for] # you to arrive”
Xchab’ nok’ kalnel chi’, t’a nok’ koyote chi’.
xcháp’ (nok’) nok’ kálnel chi7, t’a nok’ kóyóte chí7.
x-ø-chi7-hap’ # nok’ kalnel chi7 # t’ah nok’ koyote chi7
CP-B3-speak-REP # NCLF sheep DEM # LOC NCLF coyote DEM
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial (Indirect Object)
said, they say # that Ram # to that Coyote
Heh, b’at wil winh an chi’.
“Heh, p’át wíl wính 7án chí7.”
heh # p’at w-7il # winh 7an # chi7
Intro # Main Phrase # Object # Adverbial
well # I go see # him # there
B’at kan jun ch’ak kalnel chi’.
P’át kan jun ch’ák kálnel chí7.
Ø-Ø-p’at-kan jun # ch’ak kalnel chi7
CP-B3-go-DIR CL # NCLF horn sheep DEM
Main Phrase # Subject
left # that Ram
Entonse xcha’ankanb’e nok’ okes.
7entónse xchá7ankan p’e nok’ 7ókes.
7entonse # Ø-s-cha7-an-kan # p’eh # nok’ 7okes
ADV # B3-A3SG-take-DUR-DIR # road # NCLF coyote
Intro # Main Phrase # Object # Subject
then # took # road # Coyote
[Second Event]
B’at nok’.
P’at nók’,
Ø-Ø-p’at # nok’
CP-B3-go # NCLF
Main Phrase # Subject
went # he
K’och nok’ t’a b’ajtil ayek’ winh konejo chi’.
k’óch nók’ t’a p’ájtil 7áyek’ winh kónéjo chí7.
Ø-Ø-k’och # nok’ # t’ah p’aj-til 7ay-Ø-ek’ winh konejo chi7
CP-B3-arrive # NCLF # LOC where-DER exist-B3-DIR NCLF rabbit DEM
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial
arrived # he # to where that Rabbit was
Haxob’ yilan winh konejo jun.
Háxop’ yílan winh (winh) kónéjo jún.
ha7 xo hap’ # Ø-y-7il-an # winh konejoh # jun
DEM ADV REP # CP-A3-see-DUR # NCLF rabbit # CL
Intro # Main Phrase # Object # Clitic
then # they say he saw # the Rabbit
To k’och winh koyote.
To (k’och) k’óch winh kóyóte.
toh # Ø-Ø-k’och # winh koyote
ADV # CP-B3-arrive # NCLF coyote
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
still # arrived # the Coyote
Antonse sk’anb’an yawajab’ b’at, haxo winh konejo chi jun.
7antonse sk’ánp’an yáwajap’ p’at, (winh) háxo winh kónéjo chi jún.
7antonse # Ø-Ø-s-k’an-p’-an # Ø-Ø-y-7aw-aj-hap’ # ha7 xoh winh konejoh chi7 # jun
ADV # CP-B3-A3-ask-DER-DUR # CP-B3-A3-cry-DER-REP # DEM ADV NCLF coyote DEM # CL
Intro # Main Phrase # Main Phrase (appositive) # Object # [Clitic]
then # he asked him # he cried out to # that Rabbit there
Chek’anoch winh t’a jun icham tenam chi’.
Chék’anoch wính t’ah jun 7ícham ténam chí7.
chek’-an-Ø-och # winh # t’ah jun 7icham tenam chi7
lean-PTCP-B3-DIR # NCLF # LOC NUM large boulder DEM
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial
leaning was # he # on a large boulder there
To lanhan sb’at asun.
Toh lánhan sp’át 7ásun
toh lanh-an # tz-Ø-p’at # 7asun
ADV swirl-PTCP # ICP-B3-go # cloud
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
still swirling # go # clouds
To lanhan sb’at asun t’a spatik k’en.
Toh lánhan sp’át 7ásun t’a spátik k’en,
toh lanh-an # tz-Ø-p’at # 7asun # t’ah s-patik k’en,
ADV swirl-PTCP # ICP-B3-go # cloud # LOC its-back stone
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject # Adv erbial
still swirling # go # clouds # on top of the rock
Yuj chi’ to skotkan k’e’en.
yuj chí7 toh skótkan k’é7én.
y-7uj chi7 # toh # tz-Ø-kot-kan # k’e7en
A3-cause DEM # ADV # ICP-B3-draw-near-DIR # stone
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
because # still # comes down # rock
Entonse ijan’och . . .
7entónse 7íjan 7och (jun jun),
7entonse # 7ij-an-Ø-och
ADV # lean-PTCP-B3-DIR
Intro # Adverbial # . . .
then # leaning against it . . .
la’an chab’il hab’ sk’ab’ jun konejo chi’,
lá7an cháp’il hap’ sk’áp’ jun kónéjo chi7,
la7-an-Ø cha7-p’-il-hap’ s-k’ap’ jun konejo chi7,
prop-PTCP-B3 # NUM-DER-DER-REP A3-hand NUM rabbit DEM
Adverbial (Stative) # Adverbial (Instrumental),
propped [it was] # [with] two, they say, hands of the Rabbit . . .
la’an yamjinak jun k’e’en chi’.
lá7an yámjinak jun k’é7en chí7.
la7-an-Ø # yam-j-ih-nak-Ø # jun k’e7en chi7.
prop-PTCP-B3 # hold-PSV-ITV-PTCP-B3 # NUM stone DEM
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
propped # was held # a rock.
Ayuch nok’ yoyalok k’e’en.
7áyuch nok’ yóyalok k’é7én.
7ay-Ø-uch # nok’ # y-7oy-al-ok k’e7en
exist-B3-DIR # NCLF # its-support-DER-DER stone
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial
was # he # like a prop for the stone
Hi’ to wan skotan yib’anh, sna’ani.
Hi7 toh wán skótan yíp’anh, sná7aníh.
hi7 # toh wan tz-Ø-kot-an y-7ip’-anh # tz-Ø-s-na7-an-ih
EXCLAM # ADV PROG INC-B3-draw-near-DUR A3-top-DER # ICP-B3-A3-think-DER-ITV
Intro # Topic (Object) # Main Phrase
yes # as if it were falling over on top of him # he thought
“Tas tsa k’ulej chi’. konejo,” xchab’ nok’ koyote chi’.
“Tás tza k’úlej chi7, kónéjoh,” xcháp’ nok’ kóyóte chí7.
tas tz-ha-k’ul-ej chi7 konejo # Ø-s-chi7-hap’ # nok’ koyote chi7
Q [#] ICP-B2SG-do-TV DEM [#] rabbit # B3-A3SG-REP # NCLF coyote DEM
Topic (Object) # Main Phrase # Subject
what are you doing there, Rabbit # they say said # that Coyote
Sk’och nok’ koyote t’a nok’ konejo.
Sk’óch nok’ kóyote t’ah nok’ kónéjoh.
tz-Ø-k’och # nok’ koyote # t’ah nok’ konejoh
ICP-B3-arrive # NCLF coyote # LOC NCLF rabbit
Main Phrase # Subject # Adverbial (Indirect Object)
arrives # the Coyote # to the Rabbit
Main Phrase
Main Phrase
come here!
¡Ak’ pawor!
7ák’ páwor!
Ø-7ak’ # pawor
IMP-do # favor
Main Phrase # Object
do # a favor
Ochanh kan t’atik.
7óchanh kan t’atik.
7och-anh-kan # t’ah tik
Main Phrase # Adverbial
come stay # here
¡Yam kan jun k’e’en tik!
Yám kan jun k’é7en tík!
Ø-yam-kan # jun k’e7en tik
IMP-hold-DIR # NUM stone DEM
Main Phrase # Object
stay holding # this rock
To chi’ ijan skot k’e’en.
To chí7 7íjan skót k’é7én.
toh chi7 # 7ij-an # tz-Ø-kot # k’e7en
ADV DEM # lean-PTCP # ICP-B3-come-near # stone
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
still # leaning # comes # stone
Pero . . . niwan hach,
Pero (tík) níwan hách,
peroh (tik) # niw-an-hach
ADV (hesitation) # big-DER-B2SG
Intro # Main Phrase
but (uh) # you are big
Ay hip.
7áy híp.
7ay-Ø # h-7ip
exist-B3 # A2SG-strength
Main Phrase # Subject
there is # your strength
Ichamom ha te’el.
7íchamom ha té7él.
7icham-om-Ø # ha-te7-al
great-DER-B3 # A2SG-tall-DER
Main Phrase # Subject
big is # your height
A, ol hak’ yet’ok.
7á, 7ol hák’ yét’ok.
7ah # 7ol-Ø-h-7ak’ # y-et’-ok
EXCLAM # FUT-B3-A2SG-do # A3-with-DER
Intro # Main Phrase # Adverbial
oh # you will do it # with it
¡Tik yam kani!
Tík yám kaníh!
tik # Ø-yam-kan-ih
Adverbial # Main Phrase
here # stay holding on
B’atin say chab’ok koy.
P’atin sáy (sáy) cháp’ok kóy.
p’at Ø-hin-say # chap’-ok k-7oy
go B3-A1SG-search # NUM-DER A1SG-support
Main Phrase # Object
go I to find # a couple of my props
To ka te oy kak’kanoch t’atik,
To ká te 7óy kák’kanoch t’atik,
toh kah # te7 7oy # Ø-k-7ak’-an-och # t’ah tik. . .
ADV ADV # NCLF support # B3-A1PL-give-DUR-DIR # LOC DEM
Intro # Topic (Object) # Main Phrase # Adverbial # . . .
still # wooden prop # we put it in # here
Yik manh ol lanhchaj jun k’e’en tik,”
yík manh 7ol lánhchaj jun k’é7en tík,”
y-7ik ma-nh 7ol-Ø-lanh-ch-aj jun k’e7en tik
A3-reason # NEG-NEG FUT-B3-felled-PSV-DER NUM stone DEM
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
so that it will not fall over, this stone
xchab’ nok’ konejo chi’ t’a nok’ koyote chi’.
xcháp’ nok’ kónéjo chí7 t’a nok’ kóyóte chí7.
Ø-s-chi7-hap’ # nok’ konejoh chi7 # t’ah nok’ koyte chi7
B3-A3-say-REP # NCLF rabbit DEM # LOC NCLF coyote DEM
Main Phrase # Subject # Indirect Object
said, they say # that Rabbit # to that Coyote
“Sta wyen,” xchab’ nok’ koyote chi’.
“Stá wyén,” xcháp’ nok’ kóyóte chi7.
“está bién” # Ø-Ø-s-chi7-hap’ # nok’ koyote chi7
“está bién” # CP-B3-A3-say-REP # NCLF coyote DEM
Topic (Object) # Main Phrase # Subject
“OK” # said, they say # the Coyote
Yóch kan
Main Phrase
he wanted to stay
ijan nok’ koyote chi’.
7íjan nok’ kóyóte chí7.
7ij-an-Ø # nok’ koyote chi7
lean-PTCP-DER-B3 # coyote DEM
Main Phrase # Subject
leaning # that Coyote
Hi, yochkan wets’wets’ t’a jun tenam chi’.
Hí, yóch kan wétz’wetz’ t’a jun ténam chí7.
hi7 # Ø-y-7och-kan # wetz’-wetz’ # t’a jun tenam chi7
EXCLAM # B3-A3-want-DIR # pushing # LOC NUM boulder DEM
Intro # Main Phrase # Adverbial # Adverbial
yes # he wanted to stay # pushing # on that boulder
Lanhan sb’ey asun.
Lánhan sp’éy 7ásún.
lanh-an # tz-Ø-p’ey # 7asun
swirl-PTCP-DER # ICP-B3-go # cloud
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
swirling # goes # cloud
[Third (Peak) Event]
Ke, te k’itax chi’, ayxom junok ora sb’at nok’ konejo chi’,
Ké, te k’ítax chí7, 7áyxom júnok 7óra sp’át nok’ (nok’) kónéjo chí7,
ke # teh k’it-ax chi7 # 7ay-Ø-xoh-ham # jun-ok 7orah tz-Ø-p’at nok’ konejoh chi7. . .
EXCLAM # ADV while DEM # exist-B3-ADV-DUB # NUM-IRR hour ICP-B3-GO NCLF rabbit DEM
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject . . .
so # much later # it was about # an hour [since] the Rabbit left . . .
tek’tek’ wal aj winh koyote chi’.
(ték’p’anh) ték’tek’ wal 7áj winh (winh) kóyóte chí7.
tek’-tek’ # wal Ø-7aj # winh koyote chi7
straight up # PROG B3-stand # NCLF coyote DEM
Adverbial # Main Phrase Subject
straight up # was standing up # that Coyote
Yel nhilnaj winh t’a yalanh k’en tenam,
Yél nhílnaj wính t’ah yálanh k’en ténam,
Ø-y-7el # nhil-n-aj # winh # t’ah y-7al-anh k’en tenam
B3-A3-left # leaping # NCLF # LOC A3-base-DER NCLF boulder
Main Phrase # Adverbial # Subject # Adverbial [unusual syntax]
left it # leaping # he # at the foot of the boulder
Sna’ani yemkan naynaj jun tenam chi’,
sná7anih yém kan náynaj jun ténam chí7,
Ø-s-na7-an-ih # Ø-y-7em-kan nay-n-aj jun tenam chi7
B3-A3-think-DUR-ITV # B3-A3-drop-DIR slowly NUM boulder DEM
Main Phrase # Object
he was thinking # the boulder was slowly falling over
sna’an winh koyote chi’.
sná7an winh (winh) kóyóte chí7.
Ø-s-na7-an # winh koyote chi7
B3-A3-think-DUR # NCLF coyote DEM
Main Phrase # Subject
was thinking # the Coyote
Tikni malaj k’en tenam chi’ telwi.
Tik ni málaj k’en ténam chí7 télwíh.
tik nih # ma-Ø-laj # k’en tenam chi7 Ø-tel-w-ih
DEM ADV # NEG-B3-NEG # NCLF boulder DEM B3-fall-DER-ITV
Intro # Main Phrase # Subject [Unusual syntax <*ma-telwih-laj k’en tenam chi7]
but # it wasn’t # that boulder falling
Hanheja’ yaj k’e’en.
Hánhejá7 yáj k’é7én.
ha7-nhej-ha7 # y-7aj # k’e7en
DEM-ADV-DEM # A3-stay # stone
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
just like that # was # the stone (it just stayed there)
Hi’, malaj ik’an k’en.
Hí7, # málaj 7ík’an k’én.
hi7, # ma-Ø-laj 7ik’-an # k’en
EXCLAM # NEG-B3-NEG happen # stone
Intro # Main Phrase # Subject
Yes # nothing happened # [to] stone
[Dialogue (Peak)]
“Tob’an tonhej tsin yak’ joder winh.[Couplet Part A]
“Tóp’an tónhej tzin yák’ jóder winh.
top’-an # toh-nhej # tz-hin y-7ak’ joder # winh
perhaps # just # ICP-B1SG-A3-do screw # NCLF
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
maybe # just # is screwing me # he
Tob’an tonhej tsin yak’ joder winh konejo tik.[Couplet Part B]
Tóp’an tónhej tzin yák’ jóder winh kónéjo tík.
top’-an # toh-nhej # tz-hin y-7ak’ joder # winh konejoh tik
perhaps # just # ICP-B1SG-A3-do screw # NCLF rabbit DEM
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase # Subject
maybe # just # is screwing me # this Rabbit
Tak olin lajeli.[Triplet Part A]
Ták 7olin lájelih.
tak # 7ol-Ø-hin-laj-el-ih
perhaps # FUT-B3-A1SG-finish-DIR-ITV
Intro # Main Phrase
perhaps # I will finish him
Tak tekan to, olin mila’,[Triplet Part B]
Ták tékan tóh, (7ol) 7olin mílá7,
tak # tek-an toh # 7ol-Ø-hin-mil-ha7
perhaps # still # FUT-B3-A1SG-kill-TV
Intro # Adverbial # Main Phrase
perhaps # still # I will kill him
to olin say hin k’olok,”[Triplet Part C]
tóh 7olin sáy hin k’ólok,”
toh # 7ol-Ø-hin-say # hin-k’olok,
still # FUT-B3-A1SG-search # A1SG-enemy
Adverbial # Main Phrase # Object
still # I will look for # my enemy
xchab’ winh koyote chi’.
xcháp’ winh kóyóte chi7.
Ø-s-chi7-hap’ # winh koyote chi7
B3-A3-say-REP # NCLF coyote DEM
Main Phrase # Subject
said, they say # that Coyote
B’atchi winh.[Closing]
P’átchih wính.
Ø-Ø-p’at-x-ih # winh
Main Phrase # Subject
went again # he
[The scene changes, and another set of episodes in the series begins immediately.]