THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE: EDGAR P. BAILEY, Bruce W. Black, John Branson, Jim Brooks, Cathy Curby, Colin Day, Robert DeArmond, Jim Estes, Joe Geldhof, Sally Gilbert, Stephen W. Haycox, John I. Hodges Sr., Jean T. Holland, Wayne Howell, Mina Jacobs, James G. King, Betty Knight, Philip S. Koehl, Gladi Kulp, Donald B. Lawrence, Calvin R. Lensink, Malcolm Lockwood, Donald E. McKnight, Bruce Merrell, Ted Merrell, Donald C. Mitchell, Sid Morgan, Margaret Murie, J. Richard Myren, Richard K. Nelson, Robert E. Price, Jack Roderick, Pat Roppel, Kay Shelton, David L. Spencer, Nancy Tileston, Peg Tileston, Will Troyer, Robert B. Weeden, Kenton Wohl, Jennifer Wolk, Steve Zimmerman. Thanks also to Darrin Pratt and Laura Furney of the University Press of Colorado and Cheryl Carnahan for editing.
Special thanks to Jason Geck for maps and to Cynthia A. Bily and Mary C. Mangusso for full-text reviews.
Able assistance from many other librarians in Alaska and the Lower 48 is appreciated. Thanks to Adrian College for providing a sabbatical leave in support of this project.