Acosta, José de, 212
Administration, 9; proposed reforms to, 182–83
Agravios y vejaciones, 114, 140–41, 142, 143
Agudelo, Tomás, 137
Alba de Aliste, Viceroy Conde de, 146(n30)
Albornoz, Cristóbal de, 127
Aldave, Juan de Dios, 85(n10)
Alexander VI, Pope, 98–99, 101, 104, 212
Alaperrine-Bouyer, Monique, 47
Alliances, creole-Andean, 135–37
Alsamora, Pedro de, 62
Alvarez, Bartolomé, 29(n63)
Anchipula, Francisca, 200
Andahuaylas, 65
Andeans, 2, 6, 13, 25–26(nn23, 24), 71, 96, 99, 101, 105, 229(n57); definition of, 3–4, 23(n7); demands for freedoms by, 179–80; education of, 15–16, 27(n48), 28(n53), 29(n62), 138, 172–75; identity as, 4–6, 17–18, 175, 225–27; as idolaters, 162–63; in religious orders, 164–72, 190–91(nn53, 57, 58); social prestige of, 25–26(n25), 67, 186, 188(n8); textual production by, 7–11
Andean culture, defining, 3–4
Antequera, Joséph de, 191(n57)
Apoalaya, Carlos, 49, 55(n46), 199
Apo Inka, 147(n61)
Apologética Historia Sumaria (Casas), 99
Archbishops, 60
Areche, José Antonio de, 176, 223
Arenas, Andrés de, 49
Arriaga, José de, 222
Arteaga, Juan Bautista, 85(n10)
Assassination attempts, 71, 73
Assia, Mateo de, 29(n67)
Atahualpa, 103
Atauche Túpacusi Rimache Inga, Melchor, 37, 55(n46)
Audiencia of Lima, 36, 56(n66), 62, 215, 235
Audiencias, 3, 11, 55(n45), 62, 79, 182, 234; with king, 34–36, 37; kurakas, 49–50; real, 117, 184
Authorship: collective, 13–14, 27(n40), 83; of memoriales, 47–48, 55–56(nn50, 51); of “Representación verdadera,” 71, 73–78, 87–88(n35), 89(n51)
Authority, 102, 146(n30); of king, 94–95; papal, 99–100; reform of, 182–83
Autonomy, 154; educational, 62, 86(n22); ethnic, 2, 5, 104, 171, 174, 185, 234; natural rights of, 105–9; political, 14, 80
Avalos, Manuel de, 191(n57)
Avendaño, Diego de, Thesaurus indicum, 48
Averza, Luis de, 191(n57)
Ayala, Julián de, 73, 76, 90(n63)
Ayala, Martin de, 15
Ayavire, Fernando, opposition to mita, 32–33
Ayllón, Juan Lorenzo, 35
Ayllón, Nicolás. See Nicolás de Dios
Aymara language, 40
Ayún Chifo, Lorenzo, 47, 55(n51)
Barreto, Antonio, 200
Bartolomé, St., 104
Bastidas, Micaela, 177
Beltrán, Lorenzo, 85(n10)
Bernales Ballesteros, Jorge, 74
Bible, comparisons to, 70, 76, 114, 242–43
Bohorques, Pedro, 57(n70), 80, 147(n61)
Borja y Aragón, Francisco, 146(n30)
Bourbon rule, 3, 6, 17, 52, 60, 137, 152, 157, 175, 196, 233, 234; judicial system, 61, 63, 65, 117; rebellions and, 20, 76, 78
Bourbon reforms, 9, 25–26(n25), 61, 83, 102, 140–41, 149(n105); opposition to, 65, 119
Burga, Manuel, 219
Bustamante Carlos Inga, Juan de, 61, 67, 84(n8), 87(n26), 191(n57)
Bustillos, Julián, 224
Caballeros de los Reyes, Marcos, 191(n57)
Cabildos, 25(n24), 181, 206; El Cercado, 87(n31), 88(n49), 89(n52), 206, 207
Cacicazgos, 8, 82, 169, 236, 242; restoration of, 100, 104, 154
Caciques, 11, 18, 26(n30), 42, 52–53(n6), 85–86(n16), 134, 160, 189(n15), 228(n20), 242; corregidores system and, 116–17; education of, 28(nn53, 54), 172; legal and social activism of, 32–38, 67, 68
Cacma Condori, Andres, 85(n16)
Cajactambo, 56(n66)
Cala, Isodoro de, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 88(n36), 89(n51)
Calixto, Fray. See
Túpac Inca, Calixto de San José
Calixto, Santiago, 85(n10)
Camaguacho, Gabriel, 18
Camaná, 91(n78)
Canga Guacra, Francisco Tisy, 25(n25), 42
Capellanías, 169–70
Carabaya, 116
Carlos Inga, Melchor, 84(n8)
Carlos Inga lineage, 169
Carlos y Antequera, Francisco Javier, 191(n57)
Casa de Santacruz, 16
Casas, Bartolomé de las, 96, 98, 113, 114, 131, 139, 161, 193(n87), 205, 243; Apologética Historia Sumaria, 99; on indigenous peoples, 32, 101, 103, 148–49(n93); opposition to encomienda, 8, 26(nn26, 35), 32
Castelfuerte, Viceroy Marqués de, 30(n72), 60, 85(n13), 158, 204
Castro, Joseph de, 158
Castro, Ramón de, 137
Catalina, Sister, 200
Catholic Church, Catholicism, 9, 13, 21, 27–28(n49), 53–54(n26), 75, 95, 185, 211, 230(n67), 243(n5); Andean Christianity and, 208, 209; Andean inclusion in, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 162–66, 189(n23), 190–91(n53), 226–27; conversions to, 40, 107, 115, 160; critiques of, 120–27, 146– 47(nn32, 33, 44, 45), 149(n96), 237; crown control of, 84(n4), 167; power structure of, 237–38; priesthood, 158–62, 166–72; rebellion and, 221–25; reform proposals, 177–78
Cédula de honores, 60, 152, 157, 169, 181, 187, 189(n16), 199, 201, 228(n29), 236; enforcement of, 63, 161
Censuses, 60
Cerro de la Sal missions, 66, 86(n20), 125, 139, 164
Chachapoyas, 116
Chaigua Cassamusa, Antonio, 84(n8), 86(n23)
Chalco Chima Quizo Yupanki, 103
Chancay, 116
Chapi, Pablo, 86(n20)
Charcas Province, 65, 82, 116, 117, 122, 235; evangelization in, 120–21, 202; memoriales from, 34, 43, 52–53(n6); missionary activity in, 40, 41–42, 67; opposition to mita in, 32–33
Charhuacondori, Ramón, 191(n57)
Charles I, 27(n48)
Charles II, 57(n74), 167; memoriales to, 6, 47; real cédula by, 51, 157, 217; on social privilege, 154, 188(n3)
Charles III, 118, 158, 169, 191(n58)
Chavín Palpa, Francisco, 18
Chicama Valley, 116
Chicho Indians, 185
Chiclayo, 116
Chimo, Carlos, 35–36
Chirinos y Cabrera, Manuel, 191(n57)
Choquehuanca, Gregorio, 191(nn57, 60)
Choquehuanca lineage, 169
Chosop, Alberto, 181, 182, 194(n100)
Christianity, 90(n75), 94, 100, 103, 106, 236, 243(n5); Andean, 208–10; conversion to, 40, 41–42, 68, 104, 107, 163–64; identity and, 22–23, 99, 159, 197, 215–17, 226–27, 237–38; mita system and, 128–29; and rebellion, 221–25; religious education, 15–16; social status and, 151–52; utopian, 220–21
Christians, 160, 216; devotion as, 218–20; identity as, 200–201, 207–10, 226–27; old, 154, 155, 156, 171, 217
Chumbingo, Bartolomé Cristobal, 85(n10)
Chuquicallata, Diego, 191(n60)
Chuquiguanca, Joseph, 116
“Cinco memoriales” (Cuevas Herrera), 6, 39(fig.), 54(n33), 105, 127, 133, 147(n49), 212; on caciques, 116–17; on Catholic Church, 120–21; complaints in, 40–42
Cirilo y Castilla, Julián, 62, 67, 84(n9), 87(n27), 174, 190(n43)
Ciudad letrada, 3, 10, 141–42, 239
Civil society, 96–97
Clemente XIII, 167
Clerics, writings of, 137–40. See also by name
Cochabamba: rebellions in, 65, 84(n2), 137
Colegio de Caciques El Cercado “El Principe,” 16, 17, 28(n50); alumni of, 18, 87(n31); Jerónimo Lorenzo Limaylla in, 43, 48
Colegio de Caciques San Francisco de Borja (San Borja), 15, 16–17, 19, 29(n66), 67
Colegios de caciques, 15, 28(nn53, 54), 172; establishment of, 16–17
Colegios mayores, 167
Collao Province, 115
Colonialism, 1, 8, 9, 26(n31), 82, 94, 97, 108, 145(nn14, 15), 146(n30), 243; Catholic Church and, 120–27; Christianity, 208–10, 221, 226–27; corruption under, 75–76; critiques of, 2, 129–31; Cuevas Herrera’s critique of, 38–42; discrimination under, 107, 165–66; divine justice and, 214–15; grievances about, 6–7, 32; justice under, 68, 70, 143–44; nobility formation, 197–202; papal bulls on, 98–99
Colonizers, as “other,” 205–7
Colqui y Pruna, Isidro, 74, 86(n23)
Columbus, Christopher, Instrucción to, 155, 156
Comentarios reales de los Incas (Garcilaso de la Vega), 9, 17, 101, 161, 212, 213, 229(nn44, 45), 240
Common good, 97; as theme, 21, 46, 81
Community assets, management of, 179, 185
Compact, 156–57
Composiciones de tierras, 9, 33, 34, 35, 36
Condor Anchay, Pedro, 74, 86(n23)
Condorcanqui, José Gabriel. See Túpac Amaru II
Conquest, 100, 101, 102, 103–4, 211–12
Conspiracies, 76
Constitutional activism, 194(n109)
Conversion, 107; to Christianity, 40, 68, 104, 115, 124, 155, 163–64
Copacabana, 185
Copacabana Chapel (Lima), 51
Copacondori, Marcos Javier, 116
Cordero, Juan, 200
Cornejo, Juan, 49–50
Corquemarca, 89(n53)
Corregidores, 3, 25(n24), 34, 41, 49, 79, 90(nn68, 73), 234; abolition of, 2, 98, 119; critique of, 114–18, 144(n3); opposition to, 63, 79, 177, 182, 205; rebellion against, 222–23
Corruption, 60; of caciques and kurakas, 116–17; of colonialism, 40, 97, 126, 145(n14); of corregidores, 115–16
Cotabambas, rebellions, 65, 84(n2)
Council of Nicea, 161
Council of the Indies, 62, 84(n9), 95; mita system and, 35–36; petitions submitted to, 47, 63, 85(n13), 88(n49)
Council of Trent, 120, 161, 167, 168, 180
Creoles, 5, 21, 114; Oruro Manifiesto, 135–37; scholarship, 131–37, 143
Cristianos viejos. See Christians: old
Critique: of Catholic Church, 120–27, 146–47(nn32, 33, 44, 45), 149(n96), 237; of colonial justice, 2, 129–31; corregidores, 114–18, 144(n3); of encomienda, 8, 26(nn26, 35) mita, 32–38, 55(n46), 65, 82, 180
Crown, control of Catholic Church, 84(n4)
Cuesta, Andrés de la, 48
Cueva, Alonso de la, 57(n74)
Cuevas Herrera, Juan de, 9, 15, 27(n41), 53–54(n26), 74, 79, 80, 82, 97, 104, 109, 136, 141, 143, 164, 190(n43), 205, 237, 239; career of, 38, 146(n35); on Catholic Church, 120–23, 126, 177–78; “Cinco memoriales,” 6, 39(fig.), 40–42, 54(n33), 105, 116–17, 127, 133, 147(n49); on indigenous peoples, 202–3; on mita system, 128–29; opposition to corregidores, 114–15, 116–19; on Viracocha myth, 210–12
Cultural brokers, 5–6
Curas doctrineros, 19, 60, 134; criticism of, 121, 122–23; Cuevas Herrera as, 38, 40–41
Curi, Juan, 37
Cusco, 15, 19, 60, 79; Colegio de Caciques in, 16–17; rebellions in, 2, 20, 65, 222
Cuycapusca, Christobal, 34
Cuycapusca, Pedro, 34
Demographics, 51–52, 53(n16), 54(n42)
Discrimination, 77, 107–8, 124–25, 151–52, 165–66
“Discurso y reflexiones politicos sobre el estado presente de los reinos del Perú” (Juan and Ulloa), 140–41, 149(n96)
Divine will: politics of, 210–15; Viracocha myth and, 210–12
Dominium rights, 99–101
Drake, Francis, 29(n63)
Duns Scotus philosophy, 98
Economy, Andean participation in, 179–80
Education, 43; of Andeans, 15–17, 27(n48), 28(n53), 29(n62), 138, 152, 172–75, 192(n79); autonomy, 62, 86(n22); impacts of, 19–20; and rebellion, 18–19; and resistance, 17–18
El Cercado, 15, 16, 51, 67, 88(n49), 116, 161; cabildos, 87(n31), 88(n49), 89(n52), 206, 207
Elites, 20, 21, 46, 181, 184, 194(n109); Andean, 5, 7, 13, 151–52; on Catholic Church, 130–31; education of, 27(n48), 28(n53); identity formation of, 196–97; and Indian nation, 225–26; as nobles, 203–4; in priesthood, 158–62, 187, 191(nn57, 60); privilege of, 153–58, 188(n8); social networks of, 234–35; social status of, 152–53; and written texts, 8, 24(n10). See also Kurakas; Nobility
Encomienda system, 98; opposition to, 8, 26(nn26, 35), 32, 101, 193(n87)
Entitlement, to lordships, 106
Escobar, Isidro, 224
“Estado de Perú” (Sahuaraura Tito Atauche), 7, 81
Estenssoro Fuchs, Juan Carlos, 154, 159, 171, 189(n23), 219
Ethnicity, 2, 5; defining, 7, 162; identity formation and, 196–97; in Lima, 195–96; power relationships and, 239–40; self-assertion of, 185–86
Evangelization, 99, 103, 122, 125, 134; Cuevas Herrera on, 41, 42, 121, 202; escape from, 40–41
Extirpation campaigns, 38, 40, 122, 146(nn32, 43), 162
Falcón, Francisco, 101–2, 127; “Representación de los daños y molestias que se hacen a los Indios,” 101
Ferdinand VI, 70, 87(n26), 183, 206
Fernández Guarache, Gabriel, 36, 37, 49, 53(n12), 81
Flores Guainamallque, Rodrigo, 18
Flores Galindo, Alberto, 219
Franciscans, 13, 15, 42, 86(n20), 89(n58), 125, 167; Fray Calixto as, 65–66, 77–78; and Jerónimo Lorenzo Limaylla, 48, 49; rebellions and, 138–39
Freedoms, 216; personal and communal, 179–80
Gamarra, Francisco, 18
García-Bedoya, Carlos, 14
García Pumacahua, Mateo, 19, 29(n69)
Garcilaso de la Vega, Inca, 1, 80, 82, 86(n18), 103, 143, 228(n20), 229(nn42); Comentarios reales de los Incas, 9, 17, 101, 161, 212, 213, 229(nn44, 45), 240
Garrett, David, 169
Garro, Antonio, 66, 67, 71, 77; possible author of “Planctus indorum,” 68, 73, 88(n46); “Representación verdadera,” 89(n51)
Gender hierarchy, 180
Genealogical Fictions (Martínez), 160
Gentes de razón, Andeans as, 96
Gentilismo, 162–64
Ginés de Sepúlveda, Juan, on dominium rights, 100–101
Great Rebellion. See Túpac Amaru Rebellion
Gregorio XIII, Pope, 88(n49), 158, 167, 169
Guacho, 116
Guacra Paucar, Felipe, 25(n25), 42
Guacra Paucar, Francisco, 25(n25), 42
Guamán Malque de Ayala, 104
Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe, 1, 9, 15, 17–18, 29(n62), 80, 82, 95, 102, 109, 113, 114, 143, 144(n3), 146–47(nn34, 44, 45), 193(n87), 205, 228(n20); El Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno, 33, 46, 103–4, 126, 127, 177, 207–8
Guaynapiric, Juan, 134
Habsburg rule, 9, 61, 152, 175, 221, 234, 238
Hallicalla, Bartolomé Topa, 49, 56–57(n68), 81; social activism of, 36–37
Holy Office Tribunal, 51
Huayna Capac, 38
Huanca, 199
Huancavelica, 20, 33, 46, 49, 116; mita labor in, 34–35, 42, 127
Huarochirí province, 8, 66, 87–88(nn35, 36), 97, 116, 122, 148(n83), 171, 235; extirpation campaigns in, 38, 40; rebellion in, 71, 76, 77, 81, 84(n8), 87–88(n35), 90(n63), 91(n78), 148(n83), 157
Identity: Andean, 4, 17–18, 22–23, 155, 162, 175, 227; Christian, 207–10, 217–20, 237–38; of colonizers, 205–7; as Indian nation, 225–26; religious, 215–17
Identity formation, 155, 195, 228(n20), 235; Christianity and, 22–23, 159; of colonizers, 205–7; of nobility, 196–202
Idolaters, 16; Andeans as, 162–63
Idolatry, 28(n50); accusations of, 18, 96–97; extirpation of, 32, 120, 122, 146(nn32, 43), 162
Illiteracy, 172–73
Inca, 2, 5, 8, 17, 29(n61), 104, 128, 147(n61), 169, 211, 236; biblical comparisons to, 224–25; nationalism, 75, 193(n84), 235; nobility, 66, 67, 135–36, 175; utopian ideology of, 60–61, 80, 219
Inca Empire, and Roman Empire, 163–64
Independence movement, 75
Indian nation, 5, 6, 7, 225–26
Indians, 2, 5, 7, 22, 51, 61, 184, 234; education of, 172–75; exploitation of, 33, 53–54(n26); identity as, 225–26; identity formation, 197–201; and mestizos, 6, 77; as missionaries, 164–65; as nation, 201–2; priesthood for, 160–62, 166–67, 237–38; rebellion and, 176–77; subordination of, 202–4
Indios ladinos, 5–6, 24(n15), 29(n63), 82; social status of, 218–20
Indios naturales, as subordinate, 202–4
Indoctrination, 138
Inés de Jesús María, 200
Inga Yupanqui, 86(n18)
Ingoli, Francesco, 167, 170, 172
Inquisitional Tribunal, 154, 189(n23), 217, 229(n57)
Insurrections, 80, 88(n49), 90(n63), 91(n78); conspiracies for, 49–50, 56–57(nn66, 68), 76; kurakas and, 26(n37), 29(n67), 49–50; Santos Atahualpa and, 77, 78
Intellectuals, 26(n30); Andean, 10–11, 20, 22, 25(n23); as idolaters, 162–63
Iturrizarra, Bernardo, 36, 146(n30)
Izaguirre, Bernardino de, 29(n67)
Jauja Province, 20, 42, 49, 55(n46), 82; kurakas from, 25(n25), 66; writings from, 137–38
Jáuregui y Aldecoa, Viceroy Agustín de, 176
Jesuits, 19, 29(n61), 41, 48, 60, 67, 89(n58), 98, 134; education by, 15, 17, 28(nn53, 54); extirpation campaigns of, 38, 40; and justice, 121–22; Neo-Scholasticism of, 95, 96
Jesús de Machaca, 36
Jiménez de Cisneros Sahuaraura, Nicolás, 91(n82)
Jiménez de Cisneros Sahuaraura Tito Atauche, Leandro, 191(n60)
Jiménez de Cisneros Sahuaraura Tito Atauche, Rafael José, 191(n60)
Jiménez Inga, Francisco, 76
Jordán, Francisco, 74, 86(n23)
Juan y Santacilia, Jorge, 142; “Discurso y reflexiones politicos sobre el estado presente de los reinos del Perú,” 140–41, 149(n96)
Judicial system, 61, 117, 145(nn14, 15), 181–82
Justice, 11, 14, 83, 94, 95, 101, 176, 184, 187; calls for, 107, 123, 193(n94); colonial, 143–44; divine, 214–15, 222–23; Jesuits and, 121–22; Túpac Amaru II and, 79–80
Justice system, colonial, 11, 21, 75–76, 98, 116
Just titles, 97, 101–2, 111(n27)
Katari, Tomás, 2
Kingship, 118, 199; authority and power of, 94–95; as social compact, 156–57
Kingdom, function of, 156–57
Kurakas, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, 25(n25), 26(n35), 29(n63), 66, 86(n24), 134, 153, 234; identity formation, 199–200, 204; insurrection conspiracies, 49–50; insurrections, 26(n37), 29(n67); legal and social activism of, 32–38; Mantaro Valley, 42–43; opposition to, 116–17; priesthood, 158, 167. See also Elites; Nobility
Ladrón de Guevara, Diego, 158
Laicacota uprising, 36
“Lamentations,” 70
Land, 242; ownership of, 215–16; restitution of, 32, 33, 154; Spanish expropriation of, 102, 132–33, 148(n66)
Langasica, 116
La Paz, 2, 20, 111(n38), 216, 222
Law, civil and natural, 95, 97
Laws of Burgos, on education, 27(n48)
Lay priests, 168
Legal activism: of Andean nobles, 153–58, 238; Vicente Morachimo’s, 62–65; against mita, 32–28; “Representación verdadera,” 68, 70
Legal campaigns, Andean. See Legal activism
Legal system, 60, 80, 83, 89(n53), 96, 117, 123; Morachimo’s “Manifesto,” 63, 65, 85(n13); proposed reforms, 178–79
Legitimacy, 94, 101; of Spanish rule, 96, 98–103, 104
Lemos, Viceroy Conde de, 34, 37
León, Cristobal de, 17–18
León Pinelo, Diego de, 28(n50), 56(n60), 133–34, 146(n30)
Lettered city. See ciudad letrada
Liberation theology, 242–43
Lienhard, Martin, 14–15, 27(n43), 84(n4), 88(n37)
Lima, 15, 16, 30(n73), 33, 36, 51, 62, 66, 116, 122, 229(n57); assassination attempts, 71, 73; ethnic groups in, 195–96; rebellion in, 20, 235
Lima Cathedral, 51
Lima Compañía de Naturales, 49
Lima Indian Battalion, 200
Limaylla, Carlos, 26(n27)
Limaylla, Jerónimo Lorenzo, 13, 15, 17, 26(n27), 42, 55–56(nn50, 51), 74, 79, 80, 81, 82, 97, 104, 107, 109, 127, 136, 137, 138, 143, 148(n70), 171, 199, 203, 240; and Luringuanca kurakazgo, 43, 54(n42); “Memorial Dado a la Majestad del Sr. Don Carlos II,” 6, 12, 34, 44(fig.), 47, 198, 201; petitions by, 55(nn45, 46), 186, 188(n3), 193(n82); “Representación hecha al Sr. Rey Dn. Carlos Segundo,” 6, 12, 34, 45(fig.), 46, 47, 50, 105–6, 108, 134; resistance of, 48–49, 50
Limaylla, Jerónimo Valentin, 43
Limaylla family, 25(n25), 42–43
Limeño Council of the Church, 101
Litigation, 18, 43, 74, 117; for land and privilege, 154–58
Loayza, Francisco, 74
Loayza, Jerónimo de, 193(n87)
Lobo, Diego, 49
Louis I, 158
Loyola, Martin de, 29(n61)
Loyola, Ñusta Beatriz, 29(n61)
Loyalty, of nobility, 201, 206
Luringuanca, 6, 25(n25), 43, 47, 54(n42)
Machiavellianism, of Spanish rule, 107–9
Madre de Dios, Juan de la, 37
Magdalena de Jesús, Sister, 200
Mangoguala Limaylla, Bernardino, 17, 43, 47, 55(n51)
“Manifiesto de agravios y vejaciones” (Morachimo), 6–7, 63, 64(fig.), 85(n13), 117, 141, 144(n10)
“Manifiesto de Oruro,” 76–77, 85–86(n16), 135–37, 148(n83)
Mantaro Valley, 199; kurakas in, 42–43, 49
Mantilla, Felipe de, 67
Mariaca, Francisco, 191(n57)
Mariana, Juan de, 96
Marqués de Mancera, Viceroy, 35, 36
Martínez, María Elena, 151, 189(n24); Genealogical Fictions, 160
Martinez Compañón, Baltazar, 27(n40), 192(n79)
Mataguasi, 49; clerical writings from, 137–38
Matienzo, Juan de, 25(n24)
Mayta Capac Tito Atauche, Joséph, 37, 55(n46)
“Memorial Dado a la Majestad del Sr. Don Carlos II” (Limaylla), 6, 12, 34, 47, 198, 201
“Memorial de Charcas,” 33, 34, 43, 52–53(n6)
Memoriales, 6, 9, 12, 27(n41), 51, 82, 87(n26), 189(nn15, 16); on Andean privileges, 154– 58; authorship of, 47–48, 55–56(nn50, 51), 74; by Cuevas Herrera, 38–41; against mita, 32–38; submission of, 186–87
Mendieta, Jerónimo de, 48, 100, 103
Mendoza, Fernando de, 38
Mentorships, Franciscan, 15, 48
Messianism, Inca, 219
Mestizos, 6, 24(n15), 77, 234, 239; as missionaries, 164–65; priesthood for, 160–62, 166–67, 188(n3), 237–38; social privileges for, 153–58, 188(n8); writings and leadership of, 50–51
Michaca, Francisco de, 53(n12)
Millennialism, 100–101
Mills, Kenneth, 120–21; on religiosity, 208, 211
Mining, 20; complaints against, 36–37, 147(n49); exploitation of Indians, 33, 41, 46, 147(n64); mita labor in, 34–35, 127–30
Missionaries, missions, 125, 140, 146(nn32, 33); Charcas province, 41–42, 67; Franciscan, 66, 67, 86(n20), 138–39; Indians and mestizos as, 164–65; and rebellions, 77–78
Mita, 2, 9, 42, 52–53(n6), 63, 114, 178; opposition to, 32–38, 55(n46), 65, 82, 180; in Potosí, 48, 127–30, 132, 147(n64)
Molina, Pedro Juan de, 86(n21)
Monarchy, 94–95, 118, 156–57, 199
Monterosso y Alvarado, Gabriel, Práctica Civil y Criminal e Instrucción de Escribanos, 18
“Monterosso, the.” See Práctica Civil y Criminal e Instrucción de Escribanos
Montes, Joseph Antonio, 191(n57)
Montes, Pedro, 65
Montesinos, Antonio, 99
Moquegua, 49
Morachimo, Vicente, 61, 74, 83, 143, 158, 171, 193(n82); on corregidores and repartos, 115, 116, 117–18; critique of Catholic Church, 122–23, 125–26; as legal representative, 62–63, 65; “Manifiesto de agravios y vejaciones,” 6–7, 63, 64(fig.), 85(n13), 117, 141, 144(n10)
Morcillo Rubio de Auñón, Diego, 62, 158
Moscoso y Peralta, Juan Manuel, 7, 19, 81, 90(n75), 192(n71), 222
Nationalism: Inca, 75, 193(n84), 235; Indian, 201–2
Natural rights, 21, 96, 111(n38); self-government as, 105–9
Neophytism, 163, 166, 168, 171; deconstruction of, 154, 160–61, 163
Neo-Scholasticism, 81, 89(n58), 95–96, 97–98, 109, 136, 222
New Granada, 20
New Laws (1542), 101
Nicolás de Dios (Nicolás Ayllón), 50, 154, 189(n23), 200, 201, 229(n57)
Nieto de Vargas, Pedro, 181
Nina, Cristóbal, 36, 111(n38), 214, 215
Ninagualpa, Jacinto, 55(n46)
Nina Lingon, Francisco, 37
Nobility, 29(n61), 186, 189(n15), 203, 206, 207; Andean, 25–26(n25), 6, 61, 82; constructing, 196–202; creole alliance with, 135–36; Inca, 29(n61), 66, 67, 135–36, 175; negotiation of, 43, 46; priesthood and, 158–62, 187, 191(nn57, 60); social and religious privileges, 153–58, 188(nn3, 8). See also Elites; Kurakas
Noyo Chumbi, Nicolás, 37
Núñez Vela de Rivera, Juan, 6, 57(n74), 74, 82, 143, 146(n35), 160, 171, 188(n8), 190(n43), 193(n82), 201, 217, 237, 239; lobbying by, 153–58; writings and leadership of, 50–51
Nunneries, 170
Nuper ad Nos, 167
Obrajes, 53–54(n26)
O’Phelan, Scarlett, 169, 191(n57)
Oral tradition, 7–8, 47, 241, 242
Orcoguaranca (Paucartambo), Juan de Dios, 91(n78)
Ordoñez, Juan, 49
Oruro “Manifiesto,” 76–77, 85–86(n16), 135–37, 148(n83)
Oruro rebellion, 4, 80, 82(n2), 85(n16), 235
Ortega Lluncón, Andrés de, 35
Ortiz, Fernando, 93
Osorio, F. Eduardo, 170–71
Pachacamac Valley, 200
Pachacnina, Eugenio, 135–36
Pachacuti Inga Yupanqui, 91(n82)
Pachacuti Yamki Salcamaigua, Juan de Santacruz, 1, 82
Padilla, Juan de, 41, 55(n46), 56(n60), 146(n30), 147(n64); “Parecer,” 132–34, 141, 147(n62), 162
Pageantry, 206
Palacios, Juan de, 27(n41)
Papal bulls, 88(n49), 167; on Spanish rule, 98–100
“Parecer” (Padilla), 132–33, 141, 147(n62); response to, 133–34, 162
Paraceres, 147(n62)
Pariona, Cristóbal, 18
Pastoral writings, 13
Patiño, Francisco, 19
Paulli Chumbi Saba Capac Yupanqui Inga, Jerónimo, 199
Paullu, Cristobal, 38
Peña Montenegro, Alonso de la, 168
Perote, 29(n67)
Philip II, King, 27(n48)
Philip IV, 162; audiencias with, 34–35, 37
Picho, Juan, 18
Pilco Guaraz, Francisco, 37
Pizarro, Francisco, 18, 103, 199
“Planctus indorum” (Garro?), 7, 68, 72(fig.), 73, 87–88(nn35, 36, 46), 90(n68), 169
Political activism, 78–79, 194(n109)
Political culture, 4–5, 31–32, 225
Political Indiana (Solórzano), 18, 74
Politics, 2, 4, 206, 236; Catholic Church, 237–38; education and, 172–73; of reform, 177–86; of religion, 210–14, 242–43
Poma Chagua, Gómez, 18
Population, declines in, 51–52, 53(n16), 54(n42)
Portalanza, Jerónimo de, 181
Portalanza, Juan de, 182
Postcolonial studies, 24(n11),
Potosí, 20, 30(n72), 116; miners in, 41, 46, 147(nn49, 64); mita in, 48, 127–29, 132, 178
Power: Andean, 102, 236; ethnicity and, 239– 40; of king, 94–95; priesthood, 159–60
Powers, Karen, 195
Práctica Civil y Criminal e Instrucción de Escribanos (Monterroso y Alvarado), 18
Prien, Hans-Jürgen, 169
Priests, priesthood, 60, 180; Andean participation in, 158–62, 164–65, 166–72, 187, 188(n3), 191–92(nn57, 58, 60), 217, 228(n29), 237–38; native, 26(n30), 38, 40
Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno, El (Guamán Poma de Alaya), 33, 46, 103, 126, 127, 177, 207–8
Privilege, 196, 237; for Andean nobles, 153–58, 198
Probanzas de méritos, 9
Probanzas de nobleza, 25–26(n25)
Procuradores de naturales, 85(n11), 181, 194(n100)
Procuradores de indios, 26(n30), 85(n11)
Property rights, 96, 99, 100, 103
Protectores de naturales, 26(n30), 181–82
Puente Luna, José Carlos de la, 47, 55(n51)
Pumacahua, Mateo, 191–92(n60)
Pumacahua lineage, 169
Punishment, divine, 214–15, 222
Pureza de sangre. See Purity of blood
Purity of blood (pureza de sangre), 50, 51, 57(nn72, 73), 189(n24), 218; for Andeans, 154, 155–56, 225; and religious orders, 167–68; and social status, 151, 152, 160–61
Quillabamba Valley, 66, 78, 86(n20), 90(n69)
Quipulivia, Juan Ignacio, 85(n10)
Quipus, 26(n37)
Quispe, Juan, 36, 111(n38), 214, 215
Quispe Nina, Sebastián, 18
Quito province, 20
Racial stereotypes, 206
Rama, Angel, on ciudad letrada, 3, 10, 141–42, 239
Ramos Atauche, Ascencio, 91(n82)
Ramos Atauche, José, 91(n82)
Ramos Tito Atauche, Fernando, 191–92(n60)
Real cédula, 27(n48), 51, 63, 157, 188(n12), 189(n18), 193(n14), 217
Rebellions, 2, 11, 20, 29(n67), 30(nn72, 73), 36, 49, 56–57(nn66, 68), 65, 66, 71, 76, 81, 84(n2), 90(n69), 133, 136, 137, 157, 176, 230(n67), 235; Christianity and, 221–25; education and, 18–20; and Franciscan missions, 138–39; Inca, 75, 147(n61); late eighteenth-century, 78–79; leaders of, 74, 80; plans for, 77, 85–86(n16); against reparto, 118–19; Thomas Aquinas on, 94–95
Reciprocity, 2, 14, 107, 157, 184–85, 207, 225
Reducciones, 25(n24)
Religion, 100, 151, 160, 185, 189(n23), 242; colonial Andean, 208–14; and identity, 215–17, 237–38; and justice, 214–15; and politics, 242–43; and rebellion, 221–25. See also Catholic Church, Catholicism; Christianity
Religiosity, and identity, 207–10, 225–27
Religious orders, 190–91(nn53, 57); pureza de sangre, 167–68. See also various orders
Repartimiento de comercio (mercancías, or Repartos), 6, 9, 20, 35, 42, 60, 63, 65, 75–76, 83, 97–98, 115, 117, 118–119, 157, 180, 182; impacts of, 59–60
“Representación de los daños y molestias que se hacen a los Indios” (Falcón), 101
Representaciones, 9, 12, 88(n49)
“Representación hecha al Sr. Rey Dn. Carlos Segundo” (Limaylla), 6, 12, 34, 45(fig.), 46, 47, 50, 105, 134; on Machiavellian rule, 107–9
“Representación verdadera,” 7, 12, 46, 66, 67, 69(fig.), 87(n33), 90(n68), 97, 105, 118, 138, 139–40, 163, 169, 178, 181, 204, 205, 217, 242; on Andean religion, 212–14; authorship of, 73–74, 83, 87–88(n35), 89(n51); criticisms in, 68, 70–71; criticism of church in, 123–24; on education, 172–75; format of, 139–40; on gentilismo, 163–64; impacts of, 74–78; Indian nationalism, 201–2; on priesthood participation, 158–59, 160–62; and rebellions, 88(n49), 90(n69), 148(n83); reforms proposed by, 182–83, 187; style of, 70–71
“Requerimiento,” 103
Resistance, 2, 27–28(n49), 83; education and, 17–18; of Jerónimo Lorenzo Limaylla, 48–50; in memoriales, 46–48
Rights, 94; Andean, 96, 179–81; dominium, 99–101
Ríos, Juan de los, 18
Rodríguez Pilco, Francisco, 37
Roman Empire, comparisons to, 163–64
Rowe, John, 75, 86(n20), 193(n84), 219
Ruiz Túpac Amaru Inca, Joseph Santiago, 181, 182, 194(n100)
Rulership, origins and authority of, 105–6
Rupaychagua, Rodrigo, 18, 55(n45)
Saba Capac Inga Yupanki, Francisco, 85(n10), 158, 199
Sahuaraura, Leandro, 191–92(n60)
Sahuaraura, Pedro Justo, 191–92(n60)
Sahuaraura lineage, 169
Sahuaraura Tito Atauche, José Rafael, 7, 19, 91(n82), 190(n43), 191–92(nn60, 71); “Estado del Perú,” 81
Sahuaraura Tito Atauche, Sixto, 191(n60)
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 131, 243
Salinas y Córdoba, Buenaventura de, 48, 55(n46), 137
San Antonio, Francisco de, 200
San Antonio, Juan de, 66, 86(n23), 138, 139
Saña Province, 83
San Borja school. See Colegio de Caciques San Francisco de Borja
Sánchez Macario, Diego, 35
Santabangori, 29(n67)
Santa Rosa de Ocopa, 19
Santiago del Cercado, 66
Santiesteban, Viceroy Conde de, 146(n30)
Santos Atahualpa, Juan, 15, 17, 19, 20, 29(nn66, 67), 86(n20), 90(n69), 98, 240; insurrection by, 66, 77, 78, 80, 90(n75), 138, 164
Santo Tomás, Domingo de, 98, 101, 243; opposition to encomienda, 8, 26(nn26, 35)
Sariola, Sakari, 158–59
Scholarship, 1, 89(n52), 233–34; Andean, 31, 102–3; Cuevas Herrera’s, 41–42, politics of, 4, 10–11; role of 187–88; trans-culturation in, 109–10
Scholasticism, 98, 109, 156–57; Thomist, 95, 96, 97. See also Neo-Scholasticism
Schools, 27(n48), 86(n22), 174; Andean inclusion in, 154, 192(n79); role of, 15–16
Self-rule, self-governance, 46, 94, 174; as natural right, 105–9, 111(n38)
Seminaries, 15–16, 27(n48), 191(n58)
Señorios (lordship), 96, 103, 106
Serrano, Pedro, 90(n73)
Service, 201–2
Siabar, 29(n67)
Siete Partidas, 89(n53)
Sisa, Bartolina, 80
Social activism, 33, 36–37, 82–83, 241. See also Legal activism
Social justice, 9, 11, 27(n38), 48, 119, 125, 142; under colonialism, 68, 70, 144; liberation theology as, 242–43; in “Representación verdadera,” 68, 70, 87(n33)
Social mobility, 155
Social networks, 9, 14, 61, 67, 82, 89(n52), 234–35; Andean, 33, 36–38; trans-Atlantic, 35–36, 37, 49, 59, 62–63, 66–67
Social status, 151; priesthood and, 159–60; of women, 124–25, 146(n34); writing and, 152–53
Solís Quivimasa, Antonio, 191(n60)
Solís Quivimasa, Pedro, 191(n60)
Solórzano, Juan de, 102; Political Indiana, 18, 74
Soriano, Manuel, 181
Soto, Domingo de, 96
Spain, 167; discriminatory rule of, 107–9, 151–52; legitimacy of rule, 96, 98–103, 104
Spaniards, 103, 218; as the “other,” 205–7
Suárez, Francisco, 48, 96, 97, 98
Subalternity, 204
Superunda, Viceroy Conde de, 60, 67, 71, 76, 90(n69), 183
Surichac, Miguel, 76
Syncretism, of Andean Christianity, 208–9
Szemiński, Jan, 219
Tacuri Mena, Felipe, 67, 86(n22), 87(n27), 174
Taki Onkoy, 27–28(n49)
Texts: Andean production of, 7–11; orality of, 7–8
Theology, 98; liberation, 242–43. See also Neo-Scholasticism; Scholasticism
Thesaurus indicum (Avendaño), 48
Thomas Aquinas, 94–95
Tito Atauche lineage, 169
Toledan reforms, 3, 6, 8, 25(n24), 31, 48, 102, 109, 196, 233; impacts of, 51–52; in Mantaro Valley, 42–43; opposition to, 32–38, 82
Toledo, Francisco de, 32, 33; on education, 16, 27(n48), 28(n53)
Torres, Cayetano, 224
Trans-Atlantic travelers, 35–36, 37, 49, 50, 62–63, 66–67
Trans-culturation, 93–94, 142, 157; of scholarship, 109–10
Tribute, 52–53(n6), 60, 182, 184–85, 236
Trujillo Province, 49, 83, 116, 122
Túpac Amaru, Diego Cristóbal, 119, 176, 177, 184, 224–25
Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 7, 19, 25–26(n25), 75, 90(n72), 152, 157, 169, 171–72, 176, 177, 184, 185, 191(n60), 230(n71); biblical imagery used in, 224–25; Catholicism and, 222–24; condemnation of, 81, 192(n71); leaders of, 2, 119
Túpac Amaru II (José Gabriel Condorcanqui), 15, 17, 19, 29(n66), 61, 83, 97, 98, 119, 136, 143, 176, 219, 221, 236, 242–43; on Catholicism and rebellion, 222–24, 230(n68); decrees of, 80–81; “Estado del Perú,” 7; leadership of, 79–80; rebellions, 2, 77–78, 90(n75), 177, 223
Túpac Inca, Calixto de San José, 9, 13, 15, 61, 76, 83, 86(n23), 87(n31), 90(n69), 95, 96, 136, 141, 143, 163, 171, 177, 179, 184, 190(n43), 193(nn82, 94), 203, 214, 218, 220, 236, 237, 239; on Andean missionaries, 164–65; on corregidores, 117–18; criticism of church, 123–24, 126; on discrimination, 107–8; on education, 172–75; as Franciscan missionary, 65–68; on priesthood, 158–59, 160–62, 168, 169; “Representación verdadera,” 7, 12, 46, 67, 68–71, 73–74, 75, 87(n33), 88(n49), 89(n51), 138, 139–40, 158–59, 160–62, 169, 201–2, 205; as representative, 86(n23), 87(n35)
Túpac Inca, Dominga Estefanía, 65
Túpac Inga Yupanqui, 65
Túpac Katari, Julián Apasa, 2, 78, 80, 224
Tyranny, 21, 100; Franciscan mission, 138–39
Ucho Inga Tito Yupanqui, Juan, 200, 201
Uchu Inga lineage, 84(n8)
Ulloa, Antonio de, 65, 142; “Discurso y reflexiones politicos sobre el estado presente de los reinos del Perú,” 140–41, 149(n96)
Ulloa, Juan Jorge, 65
University of San Marcos (Lima), 19, 98
Uprisings. See Rebellions
Utopianism, 235, 236–37; Christian, 220–21; Inca, 60–61, 80, 219
Uychu, Pedro, 53(n12)
Valenzuela, Francisco, 146(n30)
Valera, Jerónimo, 98
Vásquez de Velazco, Pedro, 36
Vega, Santiago de la, 74, 86(n23)
Velasco de Gamboa, Fernando, 56(n66)
Vélez de Córdoba, Juan, 56(n60), 65, 76, 80, 85–86(n16), 205, 219, 236; and Eugenio Pachacnina, 135–36
Vilcabamba, 211
Villagómez, Pedro de, 122, 134, 162
Villanueva, Conde de, 181
Viracocha, 43, 229(n39), 230(n71); Cuevas Herrera’s reformulation of, 210–12
Virgin of Copacabana, 185
Visitadores de idolatrías, 122, 146(nn32, 43)
Vitoria, Francisco de, 48, 96, 98, 101, 105; on papal authority, 99–100
Walker, Charles, 200
War, 100; rebellion as just, 222–23
Women, 146–47(n45), 180, 242; status of, 124–25, 146(n34), 203
Writing, 12, 89(n53); collective authorship of, 13–14, 27(n40), 47–48, 55(n50), 83, 89(n51); elites and, 24(n10), 152–53; mestizo, 50–51; political culture of, 4–5, 31–32
Xulca Poma, Bartolomé, 37
Yamke, Cristóbal, 55(n46)
Yguarhuacas, 43
Yanamisa, Juan de, 34
Zevallos, Francisco, 84(n8), 87–88(n35)
Zevallos, Nicholas, 191(n57)