1.1. Spacing and size range of centers in the central Mixteca Alta
5.1. Counts of SPPG, partial SPPG, and a Cotaxtla Standard Plan variant
5.2. Monumental complexes or subsidiary segments with single laterals
5.3. Distribution of partial SPPGs in the Mixtequilla settlement hierarchy
6.1. Raw Materials Used in the Manufacture of Feathered Adornments
7.1. Archaeological correlates for approaches to market systems
7.2. Outcomes for Hirth’s distributional model of exchange modes
10.1. Mari: a collective of plural leadership
11.1. Accessibility ranks of nodes in figure 11.1 reveal two hierarchical levels
11.2. Accessibility ranks of an older Walangama house
11.3. Accessibility ranks of a newer Walangama house
12.1. Predictors of network strategy
12.2a. Predictors of overall warfare (Embers’ model)
12.2b. Predictors of overall warfare
12.3a. Predictors of external warfare
12.3b. Predictors of external warfare
13.1. Human behavior: basic principles
13.2. Theoretical frames on the preindustrial past
13.3. Organizational thresholds of human groups
13.4. Variation in modes of finance and leadership